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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

A vehicle routing problem based scenario analysis for optimum siting of municipal solid waste transfer stations Belediye katı atık aktarma istasyonlarının optimum yerleşimi için araç rotalama problemine dayalı senaryo analizi

Höke, Milas Ceren

ABSTRACTThe management of public services requires an in-depth decision-making method to provide the intended functionality and service life. Municipal solid waste management is indeed one of the most challenging tasks of local municipalities and currently occupies a substantial portion of the overall municipal expenses. In this study, an entirely geographic information system (GIS) based facility siting method is developed to aid governmental bodies in the decision-making process to site such facilities. The proposed method is applied to site a transfer station (TS) in the southeastern region ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing gastronomy influencers' views about gastronomy tourism Gastronomi odakli sosyal medya kanaat önderlerinin gastronomi turizmi hakkında görüşlerinin incelenmesi

Ertamay, Selin

ABSTRACTAlthough gastronomy has always been a significant component of tourism products and tourist experience, with the changing tourist motivations and tourism trends gastronomy tourism has developed as a major type of alternative tourism all around the world since the 90s. Today, gastronomic values of the destinations attract many tourists and governments pay importance to gastronomy tourism as a tool in increasing for their tourism incomes. Social media is a digital platform that make individuals able to digitally interact with each other based on their interests. It has modified the way o ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of the adhesive-bonded aluminum-polyamide hybrid joints Yapıştırıcı ile birleştirilmiş alüminyum-poliamid hibrit bağlantıların incelenmesi

Batıkan Kandemir, Miray

ABSTRACTToday, environmentally friendly, high-strength and lightweight engineering materials are becoming increasingly important for the automotive and aviation industries. For this purpose, it is critical to combine different materials correctly and to create a reliable hybrid structure. Adhesives have a huge market share among the joining methods due to their low-stress concentration, high formulation possibility, good fatigue resistance, and sealing advantages. However, surface properties and surface treatments play an active role in determining joint performance. In this thesis, the effect ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Nonlinear viscoelastic properties of nano and micro sized clay suspensions Nano ve mikro boyutlu kil süspansiyonlarının doğrusal olmayan viskoelastik özellikleri

Ülker, Ceylan

ABSTRACTClay colloids and suspensions are distinguished from other colloidal minerals by wide ranges of application area. Clay-based colloidal systems are frequently used in various industries, including cosmetics, oil industry, medicine, pharmacy, catalysis, textiles, remediation, and food packaging. Mechanical and thermo-structural properties of these systems provide valuable information in terms of some important criteria such as shelf life, gelation process, and degradation time. The foucus point of this study is to consider the application of water-clay suspensions in drilling fluid more ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigating the antibacterial activity of antimicrobial peptide and silicate integrated flexible biomaterial Antimikrobiyal peptit ve silikat katkılı fleksible biyomalzemenin antibakteriyel etkinliğinin incelenmesi

Coşkun, İhsan

ABSTRACTOsteomyelitis is a disease in which the process of bone destruction and loss is caused by microorganisms. Osteomyelitis has an increasing incidence rate that could cause chronic and acute infections. Bone infection has caused recurrent and permanent damage in 40 of the patients. 2-5 of infections caused by medical devices used in orthopedic surgical operations are osteomyelitis. More than half of osteomyelitis cases are caused by gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. In order to prevent the occurance of osteomyelitis due to the medical dev ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A comparison of the performances of conventional and low salinity water alternating gas injection for displacement of oil Petrolün geleneksel su gaz değişimli ötelenmesi ile az tuzlu su gaz değişimli ötelenmesi yöntemlerinin başarımlarının karşılaştırılması

Bucyanayandi, Emmanuel

ABSTRACTThe oil and natural gas reside in microscopic pores of subsurface rock layers called a reservoir rock. Besides there always at least two phases exist in oil and gas reservoirs. Therefore, the flow and displacement of oil into the production wells are influenced significantly by capillary forces. Due to the capillary and surface forces, the recovery of oil always remains at low percentages usually between 20 to 40. In order to increase the recovery factor several secondary and enhanced oil recovery techniques have been developed and implemented. The two secondary recovery methods namely ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of the synergistic effect of antimicrobial peptides and antibiotics by machine learning models Antimikrobiyal peptid ve antibiyotiklerin sinerjistik etkisinin makine öğrenmesi modelleriyle tahminlenmesi

Olcay, Başak

ÖZETÜriner kateterler mesanesini boşaltamayan hastalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Fakat, kateter yüzeyleri mikroorganizma adezyonuna uygunlardır ve bu durum, ilerleyen dönemlerde çeşitli komplikasyonlara neden olmaktadır. Komplikasyonların önlenmesine yönelik çeşitli kateter malzemeleri ve farklı yüzey modifikasyonları denenmiş, fakat bu yaklaşımların çoğu başarısız olmuş ve bazıları çeşitli yan etkiler göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, komplikasyonların önlenmesi ve tedavisi için yeni yöntemlere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Antimikrobiyal peptidler geniş çaplı aktivite göstermeleri, ilaç direncine n ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impacts of governance on tourism: a macro perspective Yönetişimin turizm üzerindeki etkileri: makro bir perspektif

Can, Yağmur

ABSTRACTIn this study, the effects of world governance indicators on tourism were empirically analysed, from the 2005 to 2018 period. A literature review for governance is included in the first part. The second part contains the definition of world governance indicators (WGI). In the last part, panel co-integration, and causality analysis have been carried out worldwide within 137 countries. As a result of the analysis, a long-run relationship was found only between the change in the number of tourists and the political stability - no violence index. Also, other world governance indexes voice ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Dual mass flywheel design optimization based on differential equation – neuroregression modeling approachDiferansiyel denklem – nöroregresyon modelleme yaklaşımı tabanında çift kütleli volan optimum tasarımı

Gümüş, Ümmühan

ABSTRACTTorque fluctuations occur during combustion cycles of a four-stroke engine, and these fluctuations are transferred to the drivetrain of a vehicle as torsional vibration. Hence, the noise and vibration in gears clash, ping, and load change vibration cause jerky motion and reduced driving comfort. In vehicles, it is desirable to transmit this vibration generated by the engine to the drivetrain of the vehicle at the lowest level. Different technologies are used for this purpose. One of them is Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF). DMF is a complex system that includes rotational inertia, torsional st ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of local heating on the weld line formation in plastic ınjection molding of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and glass fiber reinforced polypropylene Akrilonitril bütadien stiren ve cam elyaf takviyeli polipropilenin plastik enjeksiyon kalıplamasında lokal ısıtmanın birleşme izi oluşumuna etkisi

Güler, Muhsin Deniz

ABSTRACTIn this study, the effect of local heating on the weld line formation in a plastic injection mold was studied by using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polypropylene 20 glass fiber (PP GF20) plastic material. An aluminum 6000 insert was fitted into the injection mold to set temperatures for local heating. The three parameters with three levels were selected for injection molding process parameters as insert temperature, mold temperature, and melt temperature and to produce mechanical tests specimens with weld lines and non-weld lines. L9 orthogonal array was arranged for the T ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Axisymmetric deformation of drops through tubes with asymmetric constrictions Asimetrik daralmalara sahip borularda damlaların aksisimetrik deformasyonuÖz

Kaya, Büşra

ÖZETDaralan tüp ve borulardaki damla deformasyonu, gözenekli ortamlarda, mikro akışkan cihazlarda vb. önemli bir rol oynar. Damlalar, viskozite oranına, Kapiler sayısına, damla hacmine ve daralma geometrisine bağlı olarak kopma mekanizması ile parçalanabilir. Simetrik tek/periyodik daralmaları dikkate alan önceki çalışmalardan farklı olarak, gözenekli ortamlarda doğal olan veya deformasyon ve/veya parçalanma mekanizmasının kontrolü için mikro akışkan cihazlarda kullanılabilen asimetrik daralmaya sahip bir tüp modelliyoruz. Aksi-simetrik sınır integral denklemlerini kullanarak damlanın gelişimi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Control and design of industrial robotic arm by using ROS ROS kullanarak endüstriyel robotik kolun kontrolü ve tasarımı

Candemir, Adem

ABSTRACTIndustrial robots currently used in industry all have their own interfaces and unique languages. These commonly used interfaces and languages are often limited to industry needs. Although there are several robotic solutions, practically all of them can't rectify problems on their own. When a program is required for a more complex task, machine vision locates objects and puts them in desired locations and for situations such as applying the correct force for assembly operations by measuring with force-torque sensors, they often need third-party programs as existing systems cannot respon ...Daha fazlası

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