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Erişime Açık

Dynamics of Axisymmetric Drops Impacting onto Heterogeneous Surfaces

Atalay SEÇER

The way a droplet behaves when it lands on a surface depends on the characteristics of the surface and the flow conditions of the droplet. It can deposit, rebound, splash, etc. There is delimited research on how surface roughness and chemical composition affect the deformation of droplets upon impact, in comparison to the studies done on smooth surfaces. Our model uses two-phase flow to simulate the axisymmetric motion of droplets over surfaces with heterogeneities by combining the Navier-Stokes equations for motion with the Cahn-Hilliard equation for tracking the phase-field. We integrate the ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Evaluation Of The Property Acquisition Process Of Foreigners In Türkiye Using SWOT Technique

Demet Akbaba

Asırlar boyunca, ülkelerin siyasal güçleri ve varlıklarının sahip oldukları toprakların büyüklüğü ve konumu ile ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu nedenle, toprak neredeyse her dönemde bağımsızlık ve güç sembolü olarak kabul edilmiştir. Zamanla gelişerek bu durumu destekleyen ve şu anda tüm dünyada etkilerini aktif bir şekilde gösteren küreselleşme; ülkelerin sahip oldukları toprakların belirli kısımlarının yabancılara satışı yoluyla serbest dolaşımını mümkün kılmıştır. Yabancılara toprak satışı 1924 yılındaki ilk düzenleme ile beraber başlamıştır ve günümüzde de sürekliliğini korumaktadır. Köy y ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Numerical and Experimental Investigation of High Speed Hydrostatic Journal Bearings for Small Gas Turbines

Ahmet Yıldırım

Son yıllarda, hibrit mil rulmanlarının (hidrostatik ve hidrodinamik özelliklerin birleşimi) turbomakine uygulamalarında önemi önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Bu, yüksek şaft hızları, ağır yük taşıma kapasitesi ve geniş bir sıcaklık aralığında çalışma yeteneklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Hidrostatik rulmanlar, sürtünme yüzeylerini ayırmak için basınçlı sıvı kullanırken, hidrodinamik rulmanlar, ayrımı sağlamak için gövde hareketine ve geometrisine dayanır. Hibrit rulmanlar ise her iki türün avantajlarını birleştirerek performansı artırır. Bu çalışmada, kendinden desteklenen yapıları vurgulayan ve katmanl ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Control of robotic systems used for support in cochlear microrobot operations Koklear mikrorobot operasyonlarında destek için kullanılan robotik sistemlerin kontrolü

Karayaman, Goncagül

ABSTRACTThe rapid development of robot technology has started to be emphasized medical robotics increasingly. The potential of robotic systems to facilitate the work of healthcare workers, minimize human errors, restore function to lost limbs, and enable operations that cannot be performed due to distance or other factors have made this field increasingly popular.Surgical robotics applications are the trend subfield of medical robotics. In these applications, it is aimed to reach the desired task with certain precision and accuracy. Therefore, performance of the control system is very crucial ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Oxygen level and particle size effects on sintering of binder jetting copper parts Bağlayıcı püskürtmeli eklemeli imalat yönteminde bakır parçaların sinterlenmesinde tane boyutunun ve oksijen seviyesinin etkisi

Özateş, Cem

ABSTRACTCopper is one of the most conductive metallic materials. For most metals, additive manufacturing is prone to laser or electron beam powder bed fusion processes. Due to copper's high reflectivity and very high thermal conductivity, it is difficult to print 3D parts with powder bed fusion methods. Binder jetting, which is a developing 3D printing technology, has a high potential for use in order to eliminate these problems of copper and low processing costs. In this study, the effect of particle size distributionand oxygen level of the copper powders on part density, tensile strength, su ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Development of Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites by Using Stochastic Optimization Methods

Kemal Bartu Aydın

Today, with the developing telecommunications and electronic technologies for civilian and military purposes, electromagnetic (EM) applications have a wide usage area, including different frequency ranges, such as radar, wireless information transfer, and medical technologies, as well as radio frequencies. However, the broad use of these technologies causes EM wave pollution, so they have a devastating effect not only on the working functionalities of electronic devices but also on human health. Therefore, the need to develop these technologies to prevent EM wave pollution is increasing daily. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing gastronomy influencers' views about gastronomy tourism Gastronomi odakli sosyal medya kanaat önderlerinin gastronomi turizmi hakkında görüşlerinin incelenmesi

Ertamay, Selin

ABSTRACTAlthough gastronomy has always been a significant component of tourism products and tourist experience, with the changing tourist motivations and tourism trends gastronomy tourism has developed as a major type of alternative tourism all around the world since the 90s. Today, gastronomic values of the destinations attract many tourists and governments pay importance to gastronomy tourism as a tool in increasing for their tourism incomes. Social media is a digital platform that make individuals able to digitally interact with each other based on their interests. It has modified the way o ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fuzzy logic based color selection system design in interior architecture İç mimaride bulanık mantık tabanlı renk seçimi sistem tasarımı

İregöl, Ayşe

Özet:Günümüzde mimari ve iç mimarideki tasarım olguları sezgisel alandan bilim ve sanatsal alana doğru geçmiştir. Beceri ve rastgelelikten ziyade derinlemesine incelemeler yapılan ve formülize edilebilen bir olgu haline dönüşmüştür. Bununla birlikte mimarlık-renk ilişkisi de ayaklarını daha sağlam şekilde yere basmaya başlamıştır. Fonksiyon, biçim ve tasarım olarak başarılı kabul edilebilecek bir mimari ürün iyi bir renk etüdüne sahip değilse beğenilmeyerek niteliksiz olarak nitelendirilebilmektedir. Mimari biçimlerin renklendirilmeleri tesadüflere bırakılmadan, insanın bu yöndeki ruhsal ihtiy ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Manufacturing Duplex Steel by Using Induction Furnaces and Characterization

Gülşah Uslu

Duplex steels are materials that contain ferrite and austenite phases in their structure, have high resistance to corrosion, and also show improved mechanical values. While the austenite in its structure provides general corrosion resistance and ductility, ferrite provides resistance to stress corrosion cracking and mechanical strength. Duplex steels have widespread use, especially in shipping and petrochemistry. The current production method of duplex steels, which are in demand with a wide usage area, is generally argon oxygen decarburization furnaces (AOD). In addition to the production met ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design and development of the composite hydrogen storage tanks by using stochastic optimization methods Yüksek basınçlı kompozit hidrojen depolama tanklarının stokastik optimizasyon yöntemleri kullanılarak tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi

Ozan Ayakdaş

ABSTRACTIn this thesis, there are five main objectives: (i) To calculate stress and strain components based on CLPT for only composite (Type IV and Type V) and aluminum-composite (Type III) pressure vessels (ii) To determine the burst pressure based on Classical Laminated Plate Theory and first ply failure theories for the cylindrical part of the Type III and Type V composite pressure vessels (iii) to compare the analytically calculated burst pressure values with the experimental and Finite Element Methods results in the literature (iv) to propose optimum stacking sequences designs for Type II ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A preliminary offshore wind energy potential study for bay of İzmir: Quantifying the airflow distortion on local ferryboats for adjustment of wind data by 3D CFD analyses

Güngör, Şahin

Humankind have an interest to obtain marine meteorological data for decades, therefore, constant and mobile meteorological stations have been used for the correct measurements. These meteorological data include wind speed and direction, sea surface and air temperature and cloud cover. Ship-mounted anemometers have been used for meteorological observations, obtaining the wind speed data and climate change analysis. Wind data are especially gathered and reported by Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS). World Meteorological Organization (WMO) created the VOS program to ensure reporting of the wind dat ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A comparison of the performances of conventional and low salinity water alternating gas injection for displacement of oil Petrolün geleneksel su gaz değişimli ötelenmesi ile az tuzlu su gaz değişimli ötelenmesi yöntemlerinin başarımlarının karşılaştırılması

Bucyanayandi, Emmanuel

ABSTRACTThe oil and natural gas reside in microscopic pores of subsurface rock layers called a reservoir rock. Besides there always at least two phases exist in oil and gas reservoirs. Therefore, the flow and displacement of oil into the production wells are influenced significantly by capillary forces. Due to the capillary and surface forces, the recovery of oil always remains at low percentages usually between 20 to 40. In order to increase the recovery factor several secondary and enhanced oil recovery techniques have been developed and implemented. The two secondary recovery methods namely ...Daha fazlası

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