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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Design and robot operating system based control of a modular robot manipulator Modüler robot manipülatör tasarımı ve robot işletim sistemi tabanlı kontrolü

Kahveci, Aytaç

ABSTRACTIn this thesis, a new design of the modular robot manipulator and its control with Robot Operating System is presented. The modules are designed to have an adjustable twist angle, which enables to create different robot manipulator configurations. Kinematic synthesis on the gripper module is conducted and structural parameters of the gripper is determined. Axis sets on the modules are determined by Denavit-Hartenberg method. Inverse and forward kinematic analysis and singularity analysis are performed. Numerical inverse kinematic solver is proposed for modular robot manipulators with m ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Improvement of engineering properties and liquefaction reduction of sandy soils using electric arc furnace slag and roof tile powder

Agolli, Drinela

The scarcity of suitable land for construction of engineering facilities and shortage of natural earth aggregates has highlighted the need for finding innovative way of construction. Nowadays problematic soils such as: soft clay, organic soils and liquefiable soils can be improved to the required civil engineering requirements by application of soil stabilization. Soil stabilization is a method intended to increase or preserve the stability of soil mass and chemical alteration of soil to improve engineering properties. Generally, ground treatment techniques used are: densification, reinforcem ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Economic analysis of water storage by rainwater harvesting technique at Izmir Katip Celebi İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi yağmur suyu hasadı tekniği ile su depolanmasının ekonomik analizi

Taşçı, Hadya

ABSTRACTIn this thesis, the economic analysis of water storage by rainwater harvesting technique at Izmir Katip Celebi university (IKCU) was studied. The data from the flowmeters, which were installed in the men-women toilets in the central classrooms, were recorded, and the catchment area was calculated. According to the data, the amount of rainwater to be collected can meet the water demand in the toilets flushing. Theeconomic analysis of the rainwater harvesting (RWH) was made for three scenarios their difference in initial cost by the calculations of the payback period (PBP), the net prese ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Smart business accounting software as an android mobile application using artificial imtelligence

Okyay, Muhammet Serhat

In this study, the necessary data obtained from the databases (such as MSSQL, Mysql, Postgre SQL, etc.) of the softwares like ETA and NETSİS that are used for preaccountancy of the local and global companies were read, some of the data were written to the databases, and this data was used by the end user by using mobile phones or tablets carrying Android operating systems and working with Internet and cloud technology. In addition, new data sets that are collected on a cloud system from the accounting data while the company is on was studied by genetic algorithms which are one of the artificia ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design of wireless controlled robotic hand

Kızıltaş, Faruk Sanberk

Thanks to the rapid technological development, robot usage in human life increases day by day. Various kinds of robots that are designed for different tasks aim to increase the quality of human life by replacing or reducing required human power in related areas. Being able to interact robots from a distance by using wireless communication not only provide mobility and ease of use to the user but also promote the usage of robots into various areas. Considering these, this study aims to design a lower degrees of freedom robotic hand with respect to the natural anatomy of the hand and control i ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Recycling of dental zirconia residuals resulting from CAD/CAM milling process Submitted


Pre-sintered zirconia blocks stabilized with 3 mol% yttria are the most widely used dental materials in dental prostheses due to their high mechanical strength, high oxidation and wear resistance, high hardness, and excellent biocompatibility. Thanks to the processing of dental blocks with the CAD / CAM process, aesthetic restorations with excellent precision and high surface quality can be produced. However, only 30% of the blocks processed during the CAD/CAM process can be converted into products, while some of the remainder turns into dust and is collected in filters, and the other part bec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Three dimensional neurovascular co-culture inside a microfluidic invasion chemotaxis chip Mikroakışkan invazyon kemotaksis çipte üç boyutlu nörovasküler ko-kültür çalışmaları

Cücük, Zeynel Levent

Özet:Yapay bir dokunun en önemli özelliklerinden biri gerçek dokuyu ne kadar başarılı taklit edebildiğidir. Bu bağlamda oluşturulan ekstrasellüler matrisin, gerçek ekstrasellüler matrise benzerliği büyük önem taşımaktadır. İyi bir yapay ekstrasellüler matris oluşturmak için farklı stratejiler bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan bir tanesi de hidrojel yapılar oluşturmaktır. Hidrojeller kullanılarak oluşturulan bu doku modelleri farklı etkiler altında hücre davranışları incelememiz için önemli bir platform sağlar. Alternatif üretim tekniklerinin çoğalması ve kullanılan cihazların kalitesinin artması sayesi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design of a Microcontroller-Based Coupled Tank System and Implementation of Level Control with Feedback Linearization Method

Bahadır Yeşil

Bu tezde, ARM Cortex M7 mikrodenetleyici birimi (MCU) tabanlı gömülü Birleşik Tank Sistemi (CTS) tasarlanmış ve bulanık mantık denetleyici (FLC), geri beslemeli doğrusallaştırma (FL) tabanlı oransal integral türevsel (PID) denetleyici ve FL tabanlı FLC kullanılarak sıvı seviyesi kontrol algoritmaları uygulanmıştır. Seçilen denetleyicilerin amacı, tasarlanan CTS'nin ikinci tankındaki önceden tanımlanmış su seviyesini doğru bir şekilde izlemek ve denetleyicilerin performanslarını birbirleriyle karşılaştırmaktır. Geri beslemeli doğrusallaştırılmış CTS modelini oluşturmak için gerekli olan ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

pyNeuroSim: Another Python-Based Neuron Simulator

Ülkü Şen

Mathematical models have been devised to comprehend and scrutinize biological neurons' structure and behavioural patterns. In order to assist in the utilization and visualization of these mathematical models for computations, simulations have been designed. In this thesis study, a simulator has been developed to be educational and to require no coding skills. It is intended to have a simple, understandable, and straightforward interface. This simulator includes simple interface pages where users can manually input parameters to be used in the models, and it also includes readymade experiments ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of the Effect of Electrode Material on Antibacterial Activity in Plasma Treatment with Dielectric Barrier Discharge

Merve Gül

Plasma is an ionized gas generated under an electric field that contains photons, free electrons, ions, free radicals, and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (RONS). Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is generated in the cold form under a high electric field at atmospheric pressure. CAP is generated using two methods, Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) and plasma jet. In the DBD method, the electrode configuration, shape, material, and substance from which the dielectric barrier is made are important. Beyond the electrode design and geometry, the barrier and electrode materials can also impact the re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Compact rectenna design for RF energy harvesting applications RF enerji hasatlama uygulamaları için kompakt doğrultuculu anten (rectenna) tasarımı

Göçen, Cem

ABSTRACTIn this study, a detailed literature study has been conducted about radio frequency energy harvesting systems, and two different RF energy harvesting system designs are presented operated two different bands. RF energy harvesting systems have been in our lives for more than fifty years. The number of studies carried out on these systems has increased, especially to meet the power requirements of low power consumption devices whose usage is growing with the developing technology in recent years. In the literature, RF energy harvesting systems have been generally designed to operate in t ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Control of Mobile Parallel Manipulator


This thesis is based on the development, kinematics analysis, and control of a novel mobile Euclidean parallel manipulator. The hybrid mobile parallel manipulator is designed to improve the disadvantages of mobile manipulators and parallel manipulators. This new design of mobile Euclidean parallel manipulator type robot manipulator is an improved type of both mobile platforms and parallel manipulators, and it is created by combining three degrees of freedom Euclidean platform with a mobile differential drive manipulator. To allow the design of this type of hybrid manipulator, the kinematics of ...Daha fazlası

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