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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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A vehicle routing problem based scenario analysis for optimum siting of municipal solid waste transfer stations Belediye katı atık aktarma istasyonlarının optimum yerleşimi için araç rotalama problemine dayalı senaryo analizi

Höke, Milas Ceren

ABSTRACTThe management of public services requires an in-depth decision-making method to provide the intended functionality and service life. Municipal solid waste management is indeed one of the most challenging tasks of local municipalities and currently occupies a substantial portion of the overall municipal expenses. In this study, an entirely geographic information system (GIS) based facility siting method is developed to aid governmental bodies in the decision-making process to site such facilities. The proposed method is applied to site a transfer station (TS) in the southeastern region ...Daha fazlası

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Evaluation of organic waste materials as bio-polymeric admixtures in cement based composite mortars Organik atık malzemelerin biyo-polimerik katkı olarak çimento bağlayıcılı kompozit harçlarda değerlendirilmesi

Kalkan, Şevket Onur

ABSTRACTIn this study, the effect of a new generation bio-polymeric admixture on the physical and mechanical properties of cement mortars is examined in detail. The bio-polymeric admixture is prepared by grinding egg shells, apricot kernel shells, hazelnut kernel shells, walnut kernel shells, and olive seeds in micronized sizes. The evaluation of the bio-polymeric admixtures, which are produced as wastes, among high production materials such as concrete and mortar derivative products, provides an opportunity for better disposal and management of these wastes.ÖZETBu çalışmada, yeni nesil biyopo ...Daha fazlası

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Microwave sensor design for non-ınvasive blood glucose measurement Non-invaziv kan şekeri ölçümü için mikrodalga sensör tasarımı

Kuran, Mutahhar

ÖZETDiyabet izleme, kan şekeri monitörlerinin kullanılmasını gerektirir. Biyolojik dokunun dielektrik özelliklerinde glikoza bağlı değişimi algılayarak, RF yaklaşımlarının kan şekeri ölçümlerini sağlaması umut vericidir. Bu yaklaşım non-invaziv ve sürekli kan şekeri takibi sağlayabilir. Mevcut araştırmalar, kan şekeri monitörlerini invaziv olmayan bir şekilde ölçmek için elektromanyetik dalgalar kullanan bir monitörün geliştirilmesine odaklanmaktadır. Yöntem, bir izleme cihazının rezonans frekansını, glikoz seviyesi ile ilgili olan kanın geçirgenliği ve iletkenliği ile ilişkilendirir. Değişen ...Daha fazlası

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The effect of fibrous dental barrier membrane on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells Fibröz yapılı dental bariyer membranın insan mezenkimal kök hücrelerinin osteojenik farklılaşması üzerine etkisi

Utar, Bahar

ABSTRACTBone healing is one of the important issues in clinical areas such as oral, maxillofacial, orthopedic, and plastic surgery. Especially in the implantation process to be performed in dental applications, the structure of the jawbone and the quality of the bone density are very important for the performance of the process. In the area of tissue engineering, there are biodegradable bone implants with biocompatible synthetic polymers that give successful results in many areas. The dental barrier membrane is a synthetic bone graft based on Poly (DL-lactide). It is used in many dental applic ...Daha fazlası

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Evaluation of Polymeric Composite Material Alternatives for Metal Fulcrum Ring Part Used in Dry Friction Clutches

Ibrahim Can KAYMAZ

As same as in other industries, the automotive industry is one of the industries that expects continuous improvements. In this context, it is very important to integrate new technologies into the industry and to use new, alternative materials for industrial products. With the increase of these studies, cost and weight reduction are improved while serious advantages are obtained by maintaining the product's performance. The suitability of production with additive manufacturing of the fulcrum ring, which is a sub-component of the clutch cover assembly in the dry friction clutch system, acts as a ...Daha fazlası

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Recycling of dental zirconia residuals resulting from CAD/CAM milling process Submitted


Pre-sintered zirconia blocks stabilized with 3 mol% yttria are the most widely used dental materials in dental prostheses due to their high mechanical strength, high oxidation and wear resistance, high hardness, and excellent biocompatibility. Thanks to the processing of dental blocks with the CAD / CAM process, aesthetic restorations with excellent precision and high surface quality can be produced. However, only 30% of the blocks processed during the CAD/CAM process can be converted into products, while some of the remainder turns into dust and is collected in filters, and the other part bec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Optimizing the load carrying performance of the hydraulic guiding elements with finite elements method

Tanyeri, Cem

ÖZETHidrolik ve pnömatik sistemlerin uzun süreli sorunsuz çalışmasında önemli bir etkiye sahip olan kılavuz elemanlar, hidrolik ve pnömatik silindirlerde eksene dik olan kuvvetlere direnerek metal-metal temasını önlemek için kullanılır. Kılavuz elemanlarda en sık kullanılan malzemelerden biri olan kompozit malzemelerde, fiber yönelimleri ve takviye malzeme oranları gibi farklı parametreler, ürünün kalitesini ve mukavemetini büyük ölçüde etkiler. Bu çalışmada, kompozit kılavuz elemanların sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak malzemeden ürüne geçiş aşamalarının ve Digimat, Moldex3D ve MSC Marc p ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Evaluation of the displacement behavior of wide beam frames using nonlinear static and dynamic analyses Doğrusal olmayan statik ve dinamik analizler kullanarak yassı kirişli çerçevelerinin yer değiştirme davranışının değerlendirilmesi

Şen, Ornela

ÖZETYassı kirişli çerçeveler, kiriş kesitlerinin sığ ve geniş olduğu bir betonarme çerçeve tipidir. Genel olarak, bu kirişlerin derinliği döşemelerin derinliği ile aynıdır ve tavanda görünmemektedir, böylece daha estetik bir görünüm sağlamaktadır. Ancak, kiriş kesitleri narin ve esnek olduğundan, yassı kirişlerle inşa edilen betonarme yapıların, orta ila yüksek sismik sarsıntılara karşı dayanıma sahip olmadığını düşünülmektedir. Bu tip çerçevelerin genellikle sünek davranışa sahip olmadığını kabul edilir. Bu tezde 30 çerçeve modelinin analitik bir incelemesi sunulmaktadır. Farklı geometrik kon ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fabrication of hysteresis-free perovskite solar cells by SAM modified electrode SAM modifiyeli ITO elektrot ile histeresis östermeyen perovskit güneş hücresi üretimi

Yalçın, Eyyup

ABSTRACTEnergy has become one of the main problems of humanity after the industrial revolution and the rapid rise in world population. Most energy resources depend on fossil fuels, which causes environmental problems. Solar energy is a clean and sustainable alternative to the increasing world energy demand. In this context, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are particularly attractive due to ability to achieve very high efficiencies. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PSCs has rapidly grown from 3.8 in 2009 to over 25.5 in 2022, which making it fastest advancing solar cell technology to date ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The impacts of governance on tourism: a macro perspective Yönetişimin turizm üzerindeki etkileri: makro bir perspektif

Can, Yağmur

ABSTRACTIn this study, the effects of world governance indicators on tourism were empirically analysed, from the 2005 to 2018 period. A literature review for governance is included in the first part. The second part contains the definition of world governance indicators (WGI). In the last part, panel co-integration, and causality analysis have been carried out worldwide within 137 countries. As a result of the analysis, a long-run relationship was found only between the change in the number of tourists and the political stability - no violence index. Also, other world governance indexes voice ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of the adhesive-bonded aluminum-polyamide hybrid joints Yapıştırıcı ile birleştirilmiş alüminyum-poliamid hibrit bağlantıların incelenmesi

Batıkan Kandemir, Miray

ABSTRACTToday, environmentally friendly, high-strength and lightweight engineering materials are becoming increasingly important for the automotive and aviation industries. For this purpose, it is critical to combine different materials correctly and to create a reliable hybrid structure. Adhesives have a huge market share among the joining methods due to their low-stress concentration, high formulation possibility, good fatigue resistance, and sealing advantages. However, surface properties and surface treatments play an active role in determining joint performance. In this thesis, the effect ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Control and design of industrial robotic arm by using ROS ROS kullanarak endüstriyel robotik kolun kontrolü ve tasarımı

Candemir, Adem

ABSTRACTIndustrial robots currently used in industry all have their own interfaces and unique languages. These commonly used interfaces and languages are often limited to industry needs. Although there are several robotic solutions, practically all of them can't rectify problems on their own. When a program is required for a more complex task, machine vision locates objects and puts them in desired locations and for situations such as applying the correct force for assembly operations by measuring with force-torque sensors, they often need third-party programs as existing systems cannot respon ...Daha fazlası

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