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Fayllara Giriş

Effects of demineralizaton-inhibition procedures on the bond strength of brackets bonded to demineralized enamel surface


Objective: To study and compare the effects of different demineralizationinhibition methods on the shear bond strength (SBS) and fracture mode of an adhesive used to bond orthodontic brackets to demineralized enamel surfaces. Methods: Eighty freshly extracted, human maxillary premolars were divided into 4 equal groups and demineralized over the course of 21 days. Brackets were bonded to the demineralized enamel of teeth in Group 1. In Group 2, bonding was performed following resin infi ltration (ICON®, DMG, Hamburg, Germany). Before bonding, pre-treatment with acidulated phosphate fluor ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Mandibular asymmetry in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite patients using cone-beam computed tomography


Objective: To test the hypotheses that (1) there is no difference in mandibular asymmetry between the crossbite and normal side in a unilateral crossbite group (UCG) and between the right and left sides in a bilateral crossbite group (BCG) and a control group (CG); and (2) there is no significant difference in mandibular asymmetry among crossbite groups and control group. Materials and Methods: The cone-beam computed tomography scans of three groups were studied: (1) 15 patients (6 male, 9 female; mean age: 13.51 6 2.03 years) with unilateral posterior crossbite; (2) 15 patients (8 male, ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Effect of antibacterial monomer-containing adhesive on enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets: An in-vivo study


Introduction: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of an antibacterial monomer-containing selfetching adhesive in reducing enamel demineralization around orthodontic brackets in vivo and to compare it with the conventional adhesive system quantitatively. Methods: Fourteen orthodontic patients were randomly divided into 2 equal groups; they received brackets fitted to all their teeth, bonded with either Clearfil Protect Bond (Kuraray Medical, Okayama, Japan) (experimental group) or Transbond XT (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) (control group). Block randomization to obtain equal ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Low-shrinking composites. Are they reliable for bonding orthodontic retainers?


To evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS), fracture mode, wire pull out (WPO) resistance and microleakage between low-shrinking and conventional composites used as a lingual retainer adhesive. Methods: A total of 120 human mandibular incisor teeth, extracted for periodontal reasons, were collected. Sixty of them were separated into two groups. To determine the SBS, either Transbond-LR (3M-Unitek) or Silorane (3M-Espe) was applied to the lingual surface of the teeth by packing the material into standard cylindrical plastic matrices (Ultradent) to simulate the lingual retainer bonding area. To t ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Ehlers-danlos sendromu : olgu sunumu


Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a connective tissue disease that has effect on the structure and function of collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is one of the main building structures of connective tissues such as skin, tendon, bone and cartilage. Connective tissue requires all type of collagen to function correctly. People with EDS may show symptoms such as skin hyperelasticity, joint hypermobility, increased tendency to bruise and abnormal scarring. Dental findings have been reported with some types of EDS. This case report describes the dental findings of a patient (10, c?) who ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

EMG PSD Measures in Orthodontic Appliances


The human body consists of different systems which include the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, etc. Each system performs some kind of vital task and carries on many physiological processes. For example, the primary functions of the musculoskeletal system can be summarized as generating forces, producing motion, moving substance within the body, providing stabilization, and generating heat. Physiological processes are multifaceted fact and most of them manifest themselves as signals that reflect their nature and activities. These types of signals may be ho ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Influence of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer treatment on the perioral and masticatory muscles in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion


The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate the effects of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer (POT) appliance on the anterior temporal, mental, orbicularis oris, and masseter muscles through electromyography (EMG) evaluations in subjects with Class II division 1 malocclusion and incompetent lips. Twenty patients (mean age: 9.8 ± 2.2 years) with a Class II division 1 malocclusion were treated with POT (Myofunctional Research Co., Queensland, Australia). A group of 15 subjects (mean age: 9.2 ± 0.9 years) with untreated Class II division 1 malocclusions was used as a control. EMG recordings of treatment ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Treatments of horizontal root fractures: four case reports


Horizontal root fractures are rare in comparison to other types of injuries and the reported prevalence in the literature is between 0.5% and 7%. The treatment and prognosis of root fractures depend on many variables, the most important being the length of time between trauma and treatment, degree of dislocation and mobility, site of fracture, fixation period, stage of root development, age of patient, and quality of treatment. The ideal healing type is hard tissue healing. The aim of these case reports is to present four different patients who had horizontal root fractures of imma ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Dehiscence and fenestration in patients with different vertical growth patterns assessed with cone-beam computed tomography


Objective: To test the null hypothesis that the presence of alveolar defects (dehiscence and fenestration) was not different among patients with different vertical growth patterns. Materials and Methods: A total of 1872 teeth in 26 hyper-divergent (mean age: 24.4 6 4.8 years), 27 hypo-divergent (mean age: 25.1 6 4.5 years), and 25 normo-divergent (mean age: 23.6 6 4.1 years) patients with no previous orthodontic treatment were evaluated using cone-beam computed tomography. Axial and cross-sectional views were evaluated with regard to whether dehiscence and/or fenestration on buccal and l ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Ethnic differences in dentofacial relationships of Turkish and Saudi young adults with normal occlusions and well-balanced faces


Objectives: The aims of the present study were (1) to determine ethnic differences in craniofacial dimensions between Turkish and Saudi populations and (2) to identify possible gender differences between males and females, based on a sample of untreated young adult subjects with normal occlusions and well-balanced faces. Methods: In total, 163 cephalometric radiographs were traced and evaluated to compare untreated adults of Turkish and Saudi ethnicity. The Turkish group comprised 86 subjects; 45 females and 41 males. The Saudi group comprised 77 subjects; 39 females and 38 males. For st ...öranem köp

Fayllara Giriş

Changes in mandibular transversal arch dimensions after rapid maxillary expansion procedure assessed through cone-beam computed


Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the changes in mandibular arch widths and buccolingual inclinations of mandibular posterior teeth after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Methods: Baseline and post expansion cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images of patients who initially had bilateral posterior cross-bite and underwent RME with a banded type expander were assessed in this study. The patients included 9 boys (mean age: 13.97 1.17 years) and 11 girls (mean age: 13.53 2.12 years). Images obtained 6 months after retention were available for 10 of these patients. Eighteen angular and ...öranem köp

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