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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Group effect in axially loaded chemical anchors embedded in low strength concrete

Arslan, Tolga

The use of chemical anchors for the connection of existing structural elements with the new elements during strengthening of existing structures is quite a preferred method. Since in our country, chemical anchors are being widely used for repair and strengthening works, there should be a standard of design and application on this topic. Up to now, research done on the topic of chemical anchors, are mostly carried out on concrete blocks of compressive strength 20 MPa and higher. Since parameters such as distance from the edges, embedment depth and group effect were mostly ignored, the re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design of wireless controlled robotic hand

Kızıltaş, Faruk Sanberk

Thanks to the rapid technological development, robot usage in human life increases day by day. Various kinds of robots that are designed for different tasks aim to increase the quality of human life by replacing or reducing required human power in related areas. Being able to interact robots from a distance by using wireless communication not only provide mobility and ease of use to the user but also promote the usage of robots into various areas. Considering these, this study aims to design a lower degrees of freedom robotic hand with respect to the natural anatomy of the hand and control i ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Synthesis of imidazole derivatives and their binderless immobilization to fabric to load antibacterial properties

Mutlu, Nurgül

The compounds bonded with functional groups in textile materials carry the economical support material property. The complex and/or organic compounds with the desired properties can be immobilized into the textile materials by using the reactivity of hydroxyl groups of cellulose and the NH2 groups in wool. Most of commercially purchased silver salts show a rapid release of silver in water because of their ionic structure. For this reason, they exhibit high antibacterial activity but the short-term. N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes have the long-term antibacterial effects by releasing the ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design of a Microcontroller-Based Coupled Tank System and Implementation of Level Control with Feedback Linearization Method

Bahadır Yeşil

Bu tezde, ARM Cortex M7 mikrodenetleyici birimi (MCU) tabanlı gömülü Birleşik Tank Sistemi (CTS) tasarlanmış ve bulanık mantık denetleyici (FLC), geri beslemeli doğrusallaştırma (FL) tabanlı oransal integral türevsel (PID) denetleyici ve FL tabanlı FLC kullanılarak sıvı seviyesi kontrol algoritmaları uygulanmıştır. Seçilen denetleyicilerin amacı, tasarlanan CTS'nin ikinci tankındaki önceden tanımlanmış su seviyesini doğru bir şekilde izlemek ve denetleyicilerin performanslarını birbirleriyle karşılaştırmaktır. Geri beslemeli doğrusallaştırılmış CTS modelini oluşturmak için gerekli olan ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effects of beta -tricalcium phosphate concentration on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in chitosan based composite scaffolds

Demirci, Emine Afra

Today, tissue transplant applications are widely used for repair of damaged hard tissue. Despite the gold standard of autografts, interest in synthetic bone grafts produced by tissue engineering techniques is increasing day by day, due to limiting factors such as damage to the tissue site and limited graft availability in allografts, and the risk of developing an immune system response in allografts.Many bioceramic materials, including β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), hydroxyapatite (HA) and calcium sulfate, are widely used in bone tissue engineering. β-TCP has been the most preferred biocerami ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentationin MRI Images Using U-ShapedConvolutional Neural Network

Ilayda Alpay

İnme, günümüzde dünyada önde gelen ölüm nedenlerinden biridir. İnme geçiren hastaların tedavisi ve hayatta kalması için acil ve kesin tanı çok önemlidir. İskemik inmenin tanı ve tedavisi çoğunlukla manyetik rezonans görüntülemeye (MR) dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2 boyutlu MR görüntüleri kullanarak U şeklinde bir evrişimsel sinir ağı mimarisi (CNN) oluşturarak iskemik inme lezyonunu bölütlemek ve çeşitli kayıp fonksiyonları kullanarak çalışmanın kayıp sonuçlarını, zar benzerlik katsayısını (DSC), hassasiyetini ve özgünlüğünü değerlendirmektir. Oluşturulan modeli eğitmek, doğrulamak ve t ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Using a Simple Redox Cycling-Based Device


In order to understand brain function, diagnose disorders and develop precise treatments, the detection of dopamine using electrochemical devices is important. The detection of dopamine using electrochemical devices continues to be investigated, as evidenced by studies in the literature in recent years. This is because it helps to unravel the complexity of brain function, facilitate the diagnosis of neurological disorders and enable the development of precise treatments. These devices are important in neuroscience and medicine.

Erişime Açık

Exploring the Impact of Different Potential Update Rules on the Performance of Spiking Neural Networks


Son yıllarda, spiking sinir ağlar (SNN'ler), gerçek nöronların faaliyetini taklit edebilme yetenekleri nedeniyle popülerlik kazanmış ve geniş bir makine öğrenimi uygulama yelpazesine uygun hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, farklı potansiyel güncelleme kurallarının SNN'lerin COVID-19 sınıflandırması için performansına olan etkisini araştırıyoruz. COVID-19 pandemisi, sağlık sistemine eşi benzeri görülmemiş zorluklar getirmiş olup, hastalığın yayılmasını kontrol etmek için erken teşhis önemlidir. CT tarama görüntüleme, hastalıkla ilişkili akciğer anormalliklerini gösteren yüksek çözünürlüklü görüntül ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Applicability of Predictive Analysis in Software Product Management

Mert Bayça

This thesis explores the integration of predictive analysis within software product management to enhance decision-making and strategic planning. Through empirical investigation using a simulated dataset mimicking real-world scenarios, the study examines the impact of various factors on software product revenue and success. It emphasizes the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in predictive analysis, offering a detailed examination of predictive modeling techniques, data collection methodologies, and their practical implications. The research demonstrates how predictive ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of Building Height from ICESat-2/ATLAS and Airborne LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Aslıhan Yücel

The height of buildings in cities are of critical importance to urban planning and sustainable growth, as these factors are closely linked to environmental, economic, social, and aesthetic elements that shape the structure and character of cities. The main purpose of this study is to calculate building heights using machine learning algorithms based on airborne LiDAR and ICESat-2 data in urban areas. Sub-objectives of the study to achieve the main objective are: (a) investigate the relationships between spaceborne and airborne LiDAR data and integrate the data, (b) investigate the performance ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Expert system design by using artificial intelligence techniques for the diagnosis of liver disorders

Mülayim, Naciye

Nowadays, Expert System (ES)s are used widely in many areas to solve real world problems. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are used to obtain timely and accurately decision about solution of daily problems in ESs designing because AI can mimic behaviours and thought system of people. Especially in medical area, there are many researches and applications using ESs based on various AI techniques to obtain diagnosis for any diseases. The liver is a vital internal organ for a human body and it has many functions, which are associated with the other organs. Although the liver can renew itse ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Enhancement of the electrical properties of graphene for electronic devices

Ersu, Gülsüm

Graphene, a one-atom-thick two-dimensional material, has drawn great interest for many electronic and optoelectronic applications due to its extraordinary properties. The properties of the graphene can be modified with different chemical methods and introduced new properties, which widens its potential for applications. The non-covalent modification of graphene is one of the basic techniques for modifying the electrical properties of graphene without disrupting the structure. In this thesis, the high-quality graphene has been synthesized and electrical properties of graphene have been tuned b ...Daha fazlası

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