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A case study on PV-aided net zero-energy building: the daycare in IKCU

Loic Rebnodji DJANA

At the core of our growing societies, energy supply stands as one of the major concerns today, and it will be an inevitable challenge for our near future. As the nations are looking to find solutions for the transition from fossil fuels – depleting at a high rate – to alternative energy sources, solar energy through PV cells is getting attention as an affordable and easily implemented option especially for power supply in commercial and residential buildings.

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Comparison of the Methods Used in Acquisition of Private Property in the Scope of Public Interest

Tolga Kahyaoğlu

Public institutions need movable and immovable property, resource and altitude rights in order to perform their duties and services imposed on them by the constitution and laws. It is possible for public institutions to obtain these needs by renting or purchasing them by making a contract like all other real and legal legal persons. However, if the person who owns the properties or rights required by the Public Institutions does not want to make a contract, or if the price cannot be agreed upon, it will lead to the disruption or non-fulfillment of the duties and services required to be f ...Daha fazlası

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Development of Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites by Using Stochastic Optimization Methods

Kemal Bartu Aydın

Today, with the developing telecommunications and electronic technologies for civilian and military purposes, electromagnetic (EM) applications have a wide usage area, including different frequency ranges, such as radar, wireless information transfer, and medical technologies, as well as radio frequencies. However, the broad use of these technologies causes EM wave pollution, so they have a devastating effect not only on the working functionalities of electronic devices but also on human health. Therefore, the need to develop these technologies to prevent EM wave pollution is increasing daily. ...Daha fazlası

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Assessment of Fouling in Plate Heat Exchangers with Machine Learning Algorithms


Fouling is the accumulation of undesired particles on heat transfer surfaces which affects the heat transfer performance of a heat exchanger negatively. The accumulation of these particles prevents heat from being transformed through the heat exchangers by generating a fouling layer-like insulation. The main aim of the thesis is to investigate the machine learning algorithms to classify and predict the fouling status of PHE used in combi-boilers, to generate the background of the predictive maintenance, besides investigating the fouling effect on PHEs in terms of heat transfer and energy consu ...Daha fazlası

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Surface Roughness Performance Related to the Direction in Composite Structures Produced by the Fused Filament Fabrication Method and Improve to Surface Roughness


Additive manufacturing is used today in different industries to produce prototypes and even final products. Additive manufacturing offers solutions for the fabrication of complex geometries and is preferred for manufacturing parts in a wide variety of applications. The fused filament fabrication (FFF) method is the additive manufacturing method with the most users worldwide. With the developing material science, it has been possible to produce composite structures and even metal products by going beyond the production of pure polymers in the FFF method. The mechanical properties of the materia ...Daha fazlası

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Design and Development of a Compound Mobile Serial Robot with Remote Control Application

Alpay Toprak

The design of a compound mobile serial robot controlled remotely by a C# program utilizing the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is the main topic of this thesis. The robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi. The advantages of mobility and serial manipulators are combined in the compound mobile serial robot, allowing it to carry out difficult tasks in a variety of settings. As the main computer, the Raspberry Pi gives the robot and its control application connectivity and processing capability. Data interchange and command execution are made possible by the integration of the MQTT ...Daha fazlası

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Alüvyonel Zeminlerde Farklı Geometri ve Metotlarda İmal Edilen Kazıkların Laboratuvar Modeli ve Analizi

Taylan Ulaş Dinç

Mühendislik özellikleri bakımından yetersiz zeminlerde inşası planlanan yüksek taban basınçlarına sahip yapı temellerinde yaygın olarak kazıklı temel sistemleri kullanılmaktadır. Kazıkların; yük, uygulama yöntemi, malzeme özelliği gibi parametrelere bağlı davranışlarının belirlenmesi saha ve laboratuvar çalışmaları ile yapılabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, alüvyonel zeminlerdeki farklı kesit ve yanal alana sahip plastik özellikli beton kazıkların farklı uygulama metotlarına bağlı basınç ve çekme etkileri altındaki uzun ve kısa vadeli davranışları incelenmiştir. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversites ...Daha fazlası

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Automating Farming Operations Using Robotic Technologies

Basheer ALTAWİ

Recent years have seen a rise in interest in agricultural robots, both academically and commercially. This is since agricultural robotics tackles important concerns such as seasonal labor shortages, during harvest, as well as the growing concern over ecologically friendly techniques. On the one hand, several distinct agricultural robots have already been created for a variety of purposes, with varying degrees of success, including monitoring, spraying, harvesting, transport, etc. It is more practical to have a simple environment that can include all of the characteristics and components ...Daha fazlası

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Farklı Miktarlarda Vanadyum, Titanyum ve Niyobyum İçeren Sıcak Haddelenmiş Mikro Alaşımlı Çelik Profillerin İç Yapı Özellikleri ve Mekanik Özellikleri

Metehan Doğan

Mikro alaşımlı çelikler, çelik türleri arasındaki en rekabetçi ürünler olarak dünya çelik üretiminde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Mikro alaşım elementleri ihtiva eden çelikler yapı sektöründe çok geniş bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Sıcak haddeleme, dövme gibi yöntemlerle üretilen bu çeliklere küçük miktarlarda vanadyum, niyobyum ve titanyum ilave edilmesi ile soğuma esnasında çökelme sertleşmesi ile ince taneli yapı elde edilmesi sağlanabilir. Ayrıca, östenit tane büyümesini engelleyerek karbür, nitrür ve karbonitrürler oluşturarak ince taneli yapılar oluşmasını sağlarlar. Bu sayede, ısıl işlem ...Daha fazlası

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Optimization of Nb-Ti-B Master Alloy in Aluminum A356 Parts with General Factorial and Neuro-Regression

Batuhan Doğdu

Al-Si döküm alaşımlarında bir güçlendirme mekanizması olarak uygulanan tane inceltme işlemi, ağırlıklı olarak otomotiv endüstrisinde kullanılan A356 alaşımı söz konusu olduğunda kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Ti-B içeren tane incelticilerin kullanımının neden olduğu solma ve zehirlenme etkilerinin ardından, araştırmacılar yeni bir tane inceltici bileşimi arayışına girmişlerdir. Son yıllarda detaylı olarak çalışılan Nb-B içeren tane inceltici ana alaşımın olumlu etkilerinin görülmesi ancak bu etkilerin kayda değer bir sonuç üretmemesi üzerine Nb-Ti-B üçlü bileşimi üzerinde çalışmalar yapılmı ...Daha fazlası

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Aging Heat Treatment of Additive Manufacturing Maraging Steels in Nitrogen Containing Atmospheres

Derya Çakan

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a manufacturing method that pushes the limits of imagination and eliminates the question of whether complex industrial products can be produced that cannot be obtained with traditional manufacturing methods. In this study, microstructure and mechanical properties of maraging steels produced by DMLS method and aged in different durations (6 and 9 hours) and atmospheres (Air, N2 and N2/H2) were investigated. When the SEM images were examined, it was ob-served that the molten pool boundaries did not disappear completely but became blur-red with increasing temperatur ...Daha fazlası

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Çocuk Resimlerindeki Nesnelerin Derin Öğrenme Yöntemleriyle Tespit Edilmesi


Görüntü işleme yöntemleri kullanılarak durağan ya da hareketli görüntülerin analizleri gerçekleştirilebilir ve söz konusu görüntülerden anlamlı bilgiler çıkarılabilir. Tespit ve tanıma sonrasında takip edilecek olan nesnenin değişken bir ortam içinde bulunması zorlaştırıcı unsurlardan birisidir. Bunun gibi zorlaştırıcı unsurlarla başa çıkabilmek ve nesne takibini başarıyla gerçekleştirebilmek için farklı yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Son yıllarda yapay zekâ tabanlı bileşenlerle güçlendirilen bu sistemler hem daha hızlı hem de daha kesin hedef tespiti yapmayı sağlamaktadır. Derin öğrenme al ...Daha fazlası

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