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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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A new web-based education and monitoring system for patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus Tip-2 diyabet hastaları için web tabanlı yeni bir eğitim ve izleme sistemi

Özçiftci, Hafsa Elif

ABSTRACTDiabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that progresses rapidly. Today, thenumber of diabetic patients is increasing day by day, but treatment methods arebeginning to be inadequate due to the insufficient time, financial deficiencies andother restrictions. Diabetes education and treatment are very important for thediabetic to survive. Diabetes treatment is practiced in many areas of life from thenutrition habits to the social life activities. In terms of the course of diabetestreatment, it is necessary for the self-management of the patient to follow thediabetes education and appli ...Daha fazlası

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Sabit mıknatıslı senkron generatörlerin modellenmesi ve optimizasyonu Modelling and optimization of permant magnet synchronous generators

Nergiz, Erhan

ÖZETGelişen teknoloji ve sanayileşme ile birlikte, enerji ihtiyacı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu ihtiyacın büyük bir kısmı fosil yakıtlı santrallerden karşılanmaktadır. Fakat fosil yakıtların çevreye verdiği zararlar ve ömürlerinin de her geçen gün azalması, alternatif enerji kaynakları ile ilgili çalışmaların artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu enerji kaynaklarının en önemlileri rüzgâr türbinleri, güneş enerjisi santralleri, hidroelektrik santraller, jeotermal enerji ve biyoenerji tesisleridir. Sabit mıknatıslı senkron generatörler (SMSG), özellikle D-D rüzgar türbinlerinde, hidroelektrik santraller ...Daha fazlası

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Web tabanlı disleksi ev okulu yazılım sistemi Web based dyslexia homeschooling software system

Balaban, Mustafa Buğra

ÖZETBir gelişim/öğrenim bozukluğu olarak bilinen ve erken yaşlarda yeterli destek alındığında tedavisi mümkün olan ülkemizde özel öğrenim güçlüğü olarak bilinen disleksi rahatsızlığına sahip geç yaştaki bireyler özel tedavi merkezlerinde sınırlı süreli destek görmektedirler. Yapılmış olan bu tez çalışmasında bu rahatsızlığının Türkçe dilindeki tedavi materyallerinin az olduğu gözlemlenmiş olup, tez çalışması kapsamında oluşturulmuş web tabanlı bir sisteme dâhil edilen yedi farklı çalışma modülü altında disleksi rahatsızlığına sahip bireylerin ev ortamında ve ebeveynleri eşliğinde çalışmalar ya ...Daha fazlası

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Urban regeneration contexts in historical cıty centers: Izmir, Kemeraltı case Tarihi kent merkezlerinde kentsel dönüşüm boyutları: Kemeraltı örneği

Yakıcı, Nilay

ABSTRACTCities that have a history as a capital or an important trade center, has its own complex structure. If the historical city center was functionalized as a commercial district, it has been experienced social, cultural, environmental and economical subjects throughout centuries. This situation creates strong impacts as newly created contexts likewise political, public and architectural. These contexts generally not thought together, but they should be analyzed and investigated together for a sustainable future for the historical city centers. As a historical city center, Kemeralti-Izmir ...Daha fazlası

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Neurovascular Co-Cultures in hydrogel building blocks Hidrojel bloklarda nörovasküler ko-kültür çalışmaları

Ersoy, Fulya

ABSTRACTCreating a tissue or an organ model is the most emerging field of the biomedical research for the last decades. Three-dimensional scaffolds that will mimic the extracellular matrix were designed and used in various applications to investigate the behavior of cells.In this study, both the synthesis of the polymer and the fabrication of three-dimensional hydrogel scaffolds were practiced. Gelatin methacrylate (GelMA) was synthesized prior to photopolymerization of the hydrogel. A novel scaffold fabrication device was designed and manufactured. This device allowed us fabricating computer ...Daha fazlası

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Design and implementation of chaotic delta robot mixer system for preparing graphene nanocomposite coating Grafen nanokompozit kaplama hazırlanması için kaotik sistem tabanlı gürbüz delta robot sıvı karıştırıcı tasarımı ve gerçeklemesi

Kavur, Ali Emre

ABSTRACTThis thesis includes design, implementation and polymer nanocomposite mixing application of chaotic system based robust delta robot. Blending fluids is a vital process while preparing coating materials. The most commonly used the coating materials are polymeric materials which need to be blended in non-Newtonian fluids. This process is very critical and harder to achieve a perfectly prepared coating material.To achieve superior blending performance, two different and independent chaotic systems were used to chaotify delta robot-based blender system. One of them was used for chaotificat ...Daha fazlası

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Development of microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminum alloys by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) process Eş kanal açılı presleme (EKAP) yöntemiyle aluminyum alaşımlarının mikroyapı ve mekanik özelliklerinin geliştirilmesi

Yeşil, Mehmet Mahsun

ABSTRACTSevere Plastic Deformation (SPD), applying extreme force to alterate and refine the structures of materials permanently, have a huge potential to improve the mechanical and structural properties of materials superiously. ECAP is a kind of SPD techniques to produce submicron or nano sized grains in the material structure by applying stress to the sample passing through two angular intersected channels have the same diameters. ECAP has recently been becoming one of the most favourable candidate method in the production of nanostructured materials.One of the main objectives of this study ...Daha fazlası

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