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Estimation of Scattering Parameters of U-Slotted Rectangular RFID Patch Antenna with Machine Learning Models

İsmail AKDAĞ

Abstract In this study, machine learning-based models have been used to estimate the return loss parameters of the operational resonant frequency of the U-slotted UHF RFID antenna. The data set utilized, consisting of 544 instances, has been collected from the simulation software as a consequence of the parametric evaluation of the antenna design parameters. Distinct machine learning methods have been used on two different types of output data, complex and linear scattering parameters, and the models' prediction performance has been evaluated. In the single-output regression models, a mean-squ ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Thyroid Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Effects of Phénobarbital on Thyroid Hormones


Thyroid function tests were performed on 44 patients with cerebral palsy (CP) and on 35 healthy children as the control group. In the panent group total triiodothyronin (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4), free triiodothyronin (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were found in wholly normal ranges. These values have shown no significant difference with respect to those of die control group (p>0.05). It was snüdng that -13 %, 41 % and 55 % of the padents were under 3 percentile according to length, weight and head circumference respectively. Thyroid funcdon tests of ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams for Different Failure Modes


Bu çalışma temel olarak, Beton Plastikleşme Hasar modelinin (ing. Concrete Damaged Plasticity CDP) ve Değiştirilmiş Basınç Alanları Teorisi (ing. Modified Compression Field Theory, MCFT) formülasyonlarının doğrusal olmayan sonlu elemanlar yöntemine uygulanmasının etkinliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Farklı boyutlar, kullanılan çelik lif miktarı, beton dayanımı ve çekme donatısı oranı gibi geniş ölçekli değişkenleri kapsayan iki kiriş grubu üzerinde incelemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci grup kirişler literatürden alınmış, ikinci grup kirişler ise İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversites ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Influence of soft drinks on dental enamel: An in vitro study


This in vitro study was to evaluate the erosive potential of four soft drinks at different times on bovine teeth by profilometry. Bovine incisors buccal side was sectioned with a diamond saw and a total of 100 enamel blocks were prepared (8 × 4 × 0.5 mm). Five specimens each were exposed to 60 ml of soft drinks (Sprite, Coca Cola, Cappy-orange and Ayran) for 15, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes in a continuously vibrating soft drinks bath in a beaker at room temperature. Surface loss of the specimens was determined with a profilometry. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance and Tuke ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Resonance frequency analysis of orthodontic miniscrews subjected to light-emitting diode photobiomodulation therapy


The aim of this prospective experimental study was to evaluate the effect of light-emitting diode (LED) photobiomodulation therapy (LPT) on the stability of immediately loaded miniscrews under different force levels, as assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Sixty titanium orthodontic miniscrews with a length of 8 mm and a diameter of 1.4 mm were implanted into cortical bone by closed flap technique in each proximal tibia of 15 New Zealand white adult male rabbits (n = 30). The animals were randomly divided into irradiated and control groups under different force levels (0, 150, and 3 ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of annual energy production of coupled vertical-axis wind turbines in a semi-complex terrain Eşli çalışan düşey eksenli rüzgar türbinlerinin yarı karmaşık bir sahadaki yıllık enerji üretiminin değerlendirilmesi

Başer, Ferhat Cem Ferhat Cem

ABSTRACTRecent research shows that the vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) can provide up to 6 - 9 times more power generation in the same footprint area when they are sited in proper configurations in contrast to horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT). In order to site wind turbines in a field, it is necessary to do a wind resource assessment (WRA). This assessment provide important inputs for the placement, sizing and design detailing of the wind farm. In addition to the correct determination of the site, it is also critical to place the wind turbines in the most efficient way. When the necess ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A first principle investigation of the effect of vacancies on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of graphene hBN (Hexagonal-Boron Nitride) in-plane hybrid Boşluk kusurlarının grafen/hBN (Hegzagonal Bor Nitrür) düzlem içi hibritinin yapısal, elektronik ve manyetik özelliklerine etkisinin ilk ilkeler yöntemi ile araştırılması

Hussain, Habibu Aminu

ÖZETPratik kullanım amaçlı üretim sırasında kusur oluşturmadan ince bir grafen/altıgen bor nitrür (GBN) hibrit yaprağı üretmek neredeyse imkansızdır. Bu araştırmada, iki farklı yapı türü hakkında ayrıntılı bir tartışma yapılmıştır. İlk olarak, elmas şeklinde bir grafen (G) adası barındıran altıgen bor nitrür (h-BN) nano yaprak (XG @ h-BN) analiz edildi. İkinci olarak, elmas şekilli bir h-BN adası barındıran grafen nano yaprak (Xh-BN @ G) incelenmiştir. X, elmas şekilli adacığın boyutunu göstermekte olup 4, 9 ve 16 değerlerini almaktadır. Elmas şekle sahip olan bir adacıkta en küçük hücre altıg ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Production and Characterization of Self-Cleaning Clay-Based Roofing Tiles as a Building Material for Environmental Remediation


Within the scope of this thesis, two different semiconductor metal oxide coated visible light-driven self-cleaning clay-roofing tiles have been developed for environmental remediation. A ready-made commercial clay mixture was used for the production of photoactive roofing tiles with iron oxide (α-Fe2O3 phase) and zinc oxide (ZnO) applied as coatings. The main objectives are both to ensure that the applied coatings provide self-cleaning properties by maintaining or even improving the desired physical properties of the tiles and to optimize the firing temperature and coating concentration parame ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Finite element analysis of material and parameter effects in ballistic armors Balistik zırhlarda malzeme ve parametre etkilerinin sonlu elemanlar yöntemiyle analizi

Latif Tibet Aktaş

ABSTRACTBulletproof composite armor models are investigated using finite element software ANSYS/AUTODYN. A composite plate is modelled with Kevlar 29/epoxy, analysed, and the results obtained by this model are confirmed with the results available in the literature. Different materials are tested as secondary materials in the composite plate. The results obtained by these materials for unit weight and for residual velocities of the projectile are compared. A new stacking sequence study is conducted with the Kevlar 29/epoxy as primary material and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Automatic Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease with Transfer Learning and Image Processing Techniques

Atılay Yeşilada

Alzheimer's disease continues to be a serious public health issue. Alzheimer's disease affects generally old people, and it is a neurological disorder. The most significant sign of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss, which becomes worse over time. Therefore, early identification of Alzheimer's illness can aid in diseased getting the proper care. One of the aims of this thesis is to automate the early detection of Alzheimer's disease and create a self-improving system by utilising previous experiences each time it is detected automatically. In this way, the bad effects of the disease due to the ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Examination of the Relationship Between Nutrition, Exercise Behavior and Internet Addiction in Adolescents

Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between adolescents' nutritionexercise behaviors and internet addiction, as well as identify the factors affecting their eating-exercise behaviors and internet addiction. Material and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive correlational study was performed in Fethiye. The sample of the study consisted of 421 students attending 11 secondary schools. Data were collected using a descriptive data form, the Internet Addiction Scale and the Nutrition Exercise Behavior Scale. The data were collected by the researcher after obtaining ethical c ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analysis of multichannel EEG signals for the detection of major depressive disorder Majör depresif bozukluğunun tespiti için çok kanallı EEG sinyallerinin analizi

İzci, Elif

Majör depresif bozukluk (MDB), dünya çapında yaygın olarak görülen bir duygudurum bozukluğudur. MDB tanısı, psikometrik anketler, hastanın kendi raporu ve profesyonelin klinik deneyimi gibi öznel yöntemlere dayanır. Bu tezin amacı, MDB hastalarını sağlıklı kişilerden (HC) ayırt etmeyi sağlayan objektif bir yöntem geliştirmektir. Elektroensefalograma (EEG) dayalı bilgisayar destekli (CAD) algoritmalar, MDB tanısındaki başarısı nedeniyle büyük ilgi görmektedir. Bu tezde, çok kanallı EEG sinyallerini analiz ederek MDB hastalığını ayırt etmek için için üç yaklaşım önerilmiştir.ABSTRACTMajor depres ...Daha fazlası

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