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Developing alternative cultural tour routes for mount ida destination Kazdağı destinasyonu için alternatif kültür turu rotaları geliştirme

Çalhan, Özge

ÖZETCulture is one of the most important values that society must adapt to. In terms of the sustainability of culture, it is necessary to discover cultural values that carry the risk of disappearance and to be reintegrated to the society. The use of cultural heritage values by communities in the tourism industry is also very important for the development of the society. Countries exist in the world with their own cultures and introduce themselves to other nations through their culture. Interpretation and promotion of one culture to other cultures becomes easier through tourism. Tourism leads t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The use of integrated approach for urban tourism development in İzmir İzmir’de kent turizminin gelişmesi için bütüncül yaklaşımın kullanılması

Selçuk, Çağlar

ABSTRACTProgram The multifaceted and rapidly changing structure of the tourism industry has recently gained a different dimension with the contributions of technological developments. The concept of urban tourism, which is accepted as one of the oldest types of tourism, still constitutes an important part of today's tourist travels. As a tourist destination, cities have a much more diverse and accessible touristic resource than other alternative destinations. The interest in cities has ascended day by day thanks to this collective structure, and tourism professionals and local administrations ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Sharıng tourism economy: antecedents and consequences of peer-to-peer accommodation participation in an emerging economy Turizm paylaşım ekonomisi: gelişen bir ekonomide kısa süreli konaklamakiralaması yapan eş katılımcıların motivasyonlarının öncülleri ve ardılları

Kahraman, Adem Yavuz

ÖZETKonaklama sektörü rekabeti artmaktadır. Gezginlerin tatillerinde sürekli anımsanan gezi anıları arayışı, onları geleneksel konaklama temsilcileri olan oteller ile kısa süreli tatil amaçlı konaklama kiralama seçenekleri (örnek, Airbnb) arasındaki zorlu karar verme seçenekleriyle yüz yüze bırakıyor. Böylece nelerin gezginleri konaklama seçiminde eyleme yönlendirdiğini belirleme zorluğu ortaya çıkmakta. Bu akademik çalışma sözü geçen zorluğa yanıt bulmak amaçlı, gelişen bir ekonomideki çeşitli konaklama seçeneklerine katılıma yönlendiren eylemlerin öncüllerini ve ardıllarını incelemek için bi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on the moderating role of ethical leadership in relationship between person- organization fit and organizational commitment in accomodation operations Konaklama işletmelerinde kişi örgüt uyumu ile örgütsel bağlılık arasındaki ilişkide etik liderliğin düzenleyici rolü üzerine bir araştırma

Sidal, Öznur

ABSTRACTEmployees in accommodation establishments are an important production factor and they affect establishment performance and competitive power of the establishment. Because of this reason, efforts should be made in order to attract qualified employees to the organization and to ensure their organizational commitment. One of the important factors for ensuring organizational commitment is the ethical leaders who create environments that support, motivate, encourage and develop their subordinates in organizations with their reliable, honest, fair and principled behaviours. Another factor th ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık


Furkan Atasoy KARACABEY

Residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes toward tourism development are among the topics that are frequently examined in the tourism literature. In particular, it is of great importance to determine the perceptions of the residents in the destination where tourism activities are not intense and tourism is not developed yet, in terms of ensuring sustainable tourism development in the destination. Therefore, this study aims to use two different structures (place attachment and the impacts of tourism) together to determine the intention of supporting tourism developments and ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Slow food and food tourism: Foça earth market case study

Meriç, Hamit Gökay

Destinations are most attractive for the tourists with their unique cultural elements and food is a substantial amount of the unique local identity. Therefore, food tourism has always been a very important aspect of the destination and tourists have always been eager to try unique tastes of the culinary culture in the destination they are visiting. In this thesis study, the concepts of food tourism and food tourists are explained in detail and their importance in the context of destinations is mentioned with concrete reasons. On the other hand, the industrial revolution, which took plac ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Role of tour guides on tourist satisfaction level in guided tours and impact on tourist re-visiting intentıon: a research in Istanbul

Çetinkaya, Mehmet Yavuz

The increase of leisure time and economic welfare level led people to travel and thus participate in tourism activities worldwide. As a result of the increase of the international tourism activities in recent years, the amount of tourism receipts that countries acquire increased significantly and tourism destinations found themselves in a harsh competitive atmosphere. In tourism industry in which customers’ wishes, needs and expectations change every day, countries in macro-level and tourism enterprises in micro-level, which want to obtain share from international tourism pie and maintain thei ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research on the development of International and Domestic banks in Afghanistan and their role in Afghanistan Economy

Ayamı, Masood

In this thesis the development of Afghanistan’s banking system and the role of domestic banks in the economy of Afghanistan has been researched. Moreover, the effects of banks and the banking system to business sector, financial sector and to private sector in the country have been handled. Most of banking system was dead over 25 years of war due to abnormal condition in the country. After the new regime, the development of banking systems takes a new look in 10 years across the global transaction. Thus, get the positive feedback in these years. This change also played a big role in Afgh ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A research about discussion of organizational communication and strategic planning process

Selçuk, Oğulcan

In environment of globalization and intense competition, businesses make their long-term plans in order to sustain their existence. This planning ensures employees to understand the points of organization’s mission, its goal, the place where it wants to reach and how it will get there, and it is thought that organizational communication plays an important role in this respect. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to a research about discussion of organizational communication and strategic planning process. In the research where interview was preferred as data gathering tech ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Managerial reporting in hospitality enterprises: case study of a five-star hotel operating in Izmir Konaklama işletmelerinde yönetimsel raporlama: İzmir’de faaliyet gösteren beş yıldızlı bir otelde durum analizi

Demirtaş, Ümit

ÖZETBu çalışmada, konaklama işletmelerinde finansal planlama ve kontrol amaçlıkullanılan yönetimsel raporlar ve raporlama akışı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.Çalışmanın amacı, konaklama işletmelerinde kullanılan yönetimsel rapor türlerini, içerdikleri bilgileri, oluşturulma ve sunum süreçlerini, ve yönetimsel raporların konaklama işletmeleri için önemini ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaçla, literatüre ve sektöre katkı sağlamak hedeflenmiştir. Çalışma nitel araştırma deseninde, durum analizi yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler, altı yönetici ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılarak yapılan ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The role of local food festivals in destination branding, Denizli example Destinasyon markalaşmasında yerel yiyecek festivallerinin rolü, Denizli örneği

Aktürk, Hatice

ÖZETDestinasyonlar artan rekabet koşulları içinde üstünlüğü sağlamak için markalaşma yoluna gitmektedirler. Bu süreçte en sık ihtiyaç duyulan şey, markalaşma sürecine giren destinasyonun ön plana çıkartacağı yerel, kültürel ve turistik değerlerdir. Türkiye'de geleneksel özellikler taşıyan ve yerel ve kültürel birtakım değerleri yaşatmak ve tanıtmak için farklı temalarda birçok festival düzenlenmektedir. Bu festivaller içinde önemli bir yere sahip olan yerel yiyecek festivalleri, destinasyona ekonomik katkı sağlamaktadır. Yerel yiyecek festivalleri, ürünlerin hasat edilmesi, pişirilmesi ve hazı ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

A Research On Human Resources Management In Mali: A Semi-Public Company EDM-SA Sample

Amadou, Samira Moustapha

In the context of a globalized economy, economic institutions must adapt to the competitive environment in which to be profitability is not enough anymore, they must also satisfy a creative, secure, socially acceptable working conditions for employees in order to increase the productivity. The concept of global performance refers to the need to discover and activate simultaneously the various levels of success, and in particular to pay particular attention to the steering and optimal use of Human Resources. Human resources are the basic driving power of a production economy. If the qua ...Daha fazlası

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