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Synthesis and Design of Graphene-Based Nanostructure as an Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Material

Gülperi Feyza YAVUZ

The progress of electronic information technology brings along some problems caused by electromagnetic (EM) waves. For this reason, electromagnetic absorber materials have drawn attention recently for application areas such as electronic, defense stealth technology, and satellite communication systems.

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Optimization of Drying Process of Plastic Granules Based on Stochastic Method with Neuro Regression Approach

Mustafa DİNÇ

Polymers contain moisture due to their chemical structure. Moisture in polymers is important for the quality of the final product and ease of processing. For this reason, polymers are subjected to drying before processes such as injection and extrusion. Drying is carried out at temperatures and times specified by the polymer suppliers. Over-drying leads to increased viscosity (processing difficulty) while under-drying leads to flow marks, burrs, and reduced tensile strength and impact strength. Over-drying also causes excessive energy consumption. In this study, the drying process optimization ...Daha fazlası

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Estimation of Building Height from ICESat-2/ATLAS and Airborne LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Aslıhan Yücel

The height of buildings in cities are of critical importance to urban planning and sustainable growth, as these factors are closely linked to environmental, economic, social, and aesthetic elements that shape the structure and character of cities. The main purpose of this study is to calculate building heights using machine learning algorithms based on airborne LiDAR and ICESat-2 data in urban areas. Sub-objectives of the study to achieve the main objective are: (a) investigate the relationships between spaceborne and airborne LiDAR data and integrate the data, (b) investigate the performance ...Daha fazlası

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Dynamics of Axisymmetric Drops Impacting onto Heterogeneous Surfaces

Atalay SEÇER

The way a droplet behaves when it lands on a surface depends on the characteristics of the surface and the flow conditions of the droplet. It can deposit, rebound, splash, etc. There is delimited research on how surface roughness and chemical composition affect the deformation of droplets upon impact, in comparison to the studies done on smooth surfaces. Our model uses two-phase flow to simulate the axisymmetric motion of droplets over surfaces with heterogeneities by combining the Navier-Stokes equations for motion with the Cahn-Hilliard equation for tracking the phase-field. We integrate the ...Daha fazlası

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GIS-Based Real Estate Legislation Information System Design: The Case of İzmir, Foça

Mert Kayalık

Dünya nüfusunun 2025 yılında 8.5 milyara, 2050 yılında ise 9.7 milyara ulaşacağı tahmin edilmektedir. Bahsedilen nüfus artışından kaynaklı gelecekte arazinin daha yoğun kullanılacağı öngörülmektedir. Bu sebeple sınırlı ve yenilenemeyen arazinin yönetimi bir zorunluluktur. Söz konusu arazinin yönetiminden bahsederken, bütünleşik parçası durumundaki taşınmazların (ör. Bina, parsel) ve bu taşınmazlara ilişkin mevzuatın (ör. Yasa, yönetmelik) yönetimi de planlanması gereken diğer hususlardandır. Geçmişten günümüze taşınmaz, sahip olduğu ekonomik değerden dolayı vatandaşlar için bir gelir k ...Daha fazlası

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Artificial Intelligence Based Android Assistant for Colorimetric Detection

Vakkas DOĞAN

A colorimetric analysis is a technique that measures the properties of the substance using color changes in chemical or biochemical analysis. It is vital in analysing biological, medical, and environmental samples in many fields, such as the food, medicine, cosmetics, and paint industries. Colorimetric analysis requires correct measurement and calibration techniques to obtain accurate results.

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Enhanced Anti-Cancer Photodynamic Activity with Photobiomodulation Therapy at Different Wavelengths

Büşra Sirek

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive therapy that induces photochemical reactions for treating many diseases including cancer using the advantages of light. It is based on the interaction of light at a specific wavelength and light-sensitive chemical which does not have dark toxicity. Thus, PDT is an anticancer therapeutic modality yielding cancer cell death. As with other anticancer therapies, some drawbacks reduce or limit the efficacy of PDT. To eliminate the disadvantages resulting in increased efficacy of PDT, it is combined with other anticancer treatment methods. Together use of ...Daha fazlası

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Effect of Coating Material on High Temperature Oxidation of Inconel 738LC Superalloy

Simge AVCI

Inconel 738LC alaşımı nikel bazlı bir süperalaşımdır ve genellikle gaz türbinlerinde, türbin nozullerinde ve türbin bıçaklarında kullanılmaktadır. Gaz türbin motoru bileşenlerinde kullanımı yaygın olan Inconel 738LC çalışma ortam koşulları sebebi ile yüksek sıcaklık ile birlikte yüksek korozyona da maruz kalmaktadır. Bu sebeple, bu malzemenin yüksek sıcaklık mukavemet değeri ve yüksek sıcaklık oksidasyon direnci büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada karbon elementinin Inconel 738 alaşımında mekanik ve mikroyapısal etkileri incelenmiştir. Oda sıcaklığında ve iki farklı yüksek sıcaklıktak ...Daha fazlası

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Artificial Intelligent Based Segmentation on Medical Imaging


Teknolojinin ve teorik bilginin gelişmesiyle son 20 yıldır günlük hayatımızın her alanında olduğu gibi sağlık alanında da yapay zekâ (YZ)'nın uygulanması giderek artmaktadır. Özellikle koronavirüs (COVID-19) ve iskemik inme gibi toplum sağlığını tehdit eden hastalıkların YZ ile tespit edilmesi sağlık çalışanların iş yüklerini hafifleterek daha doğru tanı sağlamaktadır. Bu hastalıkların tespit edilmesinin yanında medikal görüntü üzerinden hastalık bölgelerinin bölütlenmesi, sağlık çalışanlarına tedavide yardımcı olabilecek bilgi sağlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte medikal görüntü üzerinden b ...Daha fazlası

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A case study on PV-aided net zero-energy building: the daycare in IKCU

Loic Rebnodji DJANA

At the core of our growing societies, energy supply stands as one of the major concerns today, and it will be an inevitable challenge for our near future. As the nations are looking to find solutions for the transition from fossil fuels – depleting at a high rate – to alternative energy sources, solar energy through PV cells is getting attention as an affordable and easily implemented option especially for power supply in commercial and residential buildings.

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Comparison of the Methods Used in Acquisition of Private Property in the Scope of Public Interest

Tolga Kahyaoğlu

Public institutions need movable and immovable property, resource and altitude rights in order to perform their duties and services imposed on them by the constitution and laws. It is possible for public institutions to obtain these needs by renting or purchasing them by making a contract like all other real and legal legal persons. However, if the person who owns the properties or rights required by the Public Institutions does not want to make a contract, or if the price cannot be agreed upon, it will lead to the disruption or non-fulfillment of the duties and services required to be f ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Development of Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Properties of Graphene-Based Nanocomposites by Using Stochastic Optimization Methods

Kemal Bartu Aydın

Today, with the developing telecommunications and electronic technologies for civilian and military purposes, electromagnetic (EM) applications have a wide usage area, including different frequency ranges, such as radar, wireless information transfer, and medical technologies, as well as radio frequencies. However, the broad use of these technologies causes EM wave pollution, so they have a devastating effect not only on the working functionalities of electronic devices but also on human health. Therefore, the need to develop these technologies to prevent EM wave pollution is increasing daily. ...Daha fazlası

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