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Erişime Açık

Hand Anatomy, Gender Differences, ROC Curve Values and Regression Formulas in Young Adults


Objective: In this study, our aim was to obtain the cut-off values with the “Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC)” for estimating gender from the hand sizes of young adult female and male individuals, and also to create logistic regression equations. Material and Method: This study was carried out on 64 healthy young adult volunteers (29 males, 35 females) aged 18-22 years. Hand photos of the volunteers were taken using the Canon 800D camera. Hand length and hand breadth were measured with the “Image J” program. A total of 256 measurements were carried out. Results: Right hand mean length (i ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fabrication of hysteresis-free perovskite solar cells by SAM modified electrode SAM modifiyeli ITO elektrot ile histeresis östermeyen perovskit güneş hücresi üretimi

Yalçın, Eyyup

ABSTRACTEnergy has become one of the main problems of humanity after the industrial revolution and the rapid rise in world population. Most energy resources depend on fossil fuels, which causes environmental problems. Solar energy is a clean and sustainable alternative to the increasing world energy demand. In this context, perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are particularly attractive due to ability to achieve very high efficiencies. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of PSCs has rapidly grown from 3.8 in 2009 to over 25.5 in 2022, which making it fastest advancing solar cell technology to date ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Analyzing gastronomy influencers' views about gastronomy tourism Gastronomi odakli sosyal medya kanaat önderlerinin gastronomi turizmi hakkında görüşlerinin incelenmesi

Ertamay, Selin

ABSTRACTAlthough gastronomy has always been a significant component of tourism products and tourist experience, with the changing tourist motivations and tourism trends gastronomy tourism has developed as a major type of alternative tourism all around the world since the 90s. Today, gastronomic values of the destinations attract many tourists and governments pay importance to gastronomy tourism as a tool in increasing for their tourism incomes. Social media is a digital platform that make individuals able to digitally interact with each other based on their interests. It has modified the way o ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Manufacturing and Characterization of Peptide Coated Polylactic Acid Based Composites for Various Medical Applications

Metehan ATAGÜR

Within the scope of this thesis, PLA-based composites have been developed and coated with peptide to increase biocompatibility for temporary implant applications and PLA biocomposite materials have been produced. HA and β-TCP were used as additive materials, and PLLA and PDLA polymers were used as polymer matrix. The main purpose is to obtain the composite with the best mechanical properties and to improve the biocompatibility properties as a result of coating this final material with peptide. In the first stage, 10% HA (PLA-10 HA), 10% β-TCP (PLA-10TCP) and 5% HA + 5% β-TCP (PLA-5TCP-5HA) are ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Microwave sensor design for non-ınvasive blood glucose measurement Non-invaziv kan şekeri ölçümü için mikrodalga sensör tasarımı

Kuran, Mutahhar

ÖZETDiyabet izleme, kan şekeri monitörlerinin kullanılmasını gerektirir. Biyolojik dokunun dielektrik özelliklerinde glikoza bağlı değişimi algılayarak, RF yaklaşımlarının kan şekeri ölçümlerini sağlaması umut vericidir. Bu yaklaşım non-invaziv ve sürekli kan şekeri takibi sağlayabilir. Mevcut araştırmalar, kan şekeri monitörlerini invaziv olmayan bir şekilde ölçmek için elektromanyetik dalgalar kullanan bir monitörün geliştirilmesine odaklanmaktadır. Yöntem, bir izleme cihazının rezonans frekansını, glikoz seviyesi ile ilgili olan kanın geçirgenliği ve iletkenliği ile ilişkilendirir. Değişen ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Recycling of dental zirconia residuals resulting from CAD/CAM milling process Submitted


Pre-sintered zirconia blocks stabilized with 3 mol% yttria are the most widely used dental materials in dental prostheses due to their high mechanical strength, high oxidation and wear resistance, high hardness, and excellent biocompatibility. Thanks to the processing of dental blocks with the CAD / CAM process, aesthetic restorations with excellent precision and high surface quality can be produced. However, only 30% of the blocks processed during the CAD/CAM process can be converted into products, while some of the remainder turns into dust and is collected in filters, and the other part bec ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Improvement of interface in PVC and aluminium structures PVC-alüminyum yapılarında ara yüzeyin iyileştirilmesi

Kale, Didem

ÖZETYapılarda kullanılmakta olan pencere, kapı ve diğer bir çok üründe, farklı malzeme özelliklerinin bir araya getirildiği yenilikçi hibrid ürün arayışları yer almaktadır. Binalarda, yaygın olarak tercih edilen PVC pencereler, polivinil klorür (PVC) esaslı profiller ve mekanik güçlendirme sağlayan çelik saclar gibi, birden fazla komponentin bir araya gelmesi ile oluşmaktadır.Yapılan çalışmada, bu tür uygulamalar için profile celik sac takma işleminin yerine geçebilecek, PVC ile alüminyum gibi iki farklı malzemenin birleştirilme teknikleri ve hibrid bağlantılar araştırılmıştır. Amaç, PVC ve al ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Dual mass flywheel design optimization based on differential equation – neuroregression modeling approachDiferansiyel denklem – nöroregresyon modelleme yaklaşımı tabanında çift kütleli volan optimum tasarımı

Gümüş, Ümmühan

ABSTRACTTorque fluctuations occur during combustion cycles of a four-stroke engine, and these fluctuations are transferred to the drivetrain of a vehicle as torsional vibration. Hence, the noise and vibration in gears clash, ping, and load change vibration cause jerky motion and reduced driving comfort. In vehicles, it is desirable to transmit this vibration generated by the engine to the drivetrain of the vehicle at the lowest level. Different technologies are used for this purpose. One of them is Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF). DMF is a complex system that includes rotational inertia, torsional st ...Daha fazlası

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