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ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Wood waste recycling for the production of wood polymer composites Atık ahşapların tekrar kullanımıyla ahşap polimer kompozit üretimi

Türkmen, Muhammet

Özet:Malzeme seçimi günlük yaşantımızda önemli bir role sahip olmasının yanısıra mühendislik uygulamalarında ve tasarımlarında ürün sürdürülebilirliği açısından da önemlidir. Özellikle, çevre dostu malzemelerin önemi günümüzde artmaktadır.Bu bağlamda, endüstriyel uygulama alanları ve eşsiz özelliklerinden ötürü ahşap takviyeli kompozit malzemelerin önemi artmaktadır. Ağaç popüler doğal liflerdir. Bunlar kullanılabilir, yenilenebilir, düşük yoğunlukta, hafif, bulunabilir ve ugyun fiyata sahip olma gibi özelliklerinin yanı sıra tatmin edici mekanik özellikleri onları kompozit üretiminde kullanıl ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The design, manufacturing and applications of a novel led-based phototherapy device Yeni Bir LED tabanlı fototerapi cihazının tasarımı, üretimi ve uygulamaları

Yaşar, Büşra

ABSTRACTJaundice is a very common disease in infants. It is caused by an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood. Its incidence in newborns is around 60-70. When jaundice becomes pathological, it can cause much damage to the body: brain damage, vision loss, lung and kidney dysfunction, and even death. With the increase of bilirubin and its accumulation in the organs, irreversible damage occurs. There are different methods such as exchange transfusion, medication, and phototherapy to remove bilirubin from the environment. Blue light with a wavelength of 430-490 nm is required for light ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effect of particle size distribution modality of CaCO3 on sealing wide fractures using sepiolite muds CaCo3 parçacık boyut dağılım modalitesinin sepiyolit çamurları kullanılarak geniş çatlakların tıkanmasına etkisi

Tezcan, Meltem

SUMMARYLost circulation is defined as the invasion of naturally fractured and unconsolidated formations by the drilling fluid. Preventing loss circulation is a highly challenging problem while drilling a well. High loss circulation results in cost increase and well instability problems along with the contamination of productive formations. Lost circulation materials (LCMs) are used to prevent partial or total losses through pore throat and fractures. Special LCM treatments may be applied in the case of severe losses for wide fractures. However, the outcomes of all these efforts have not been l ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Biomechanics of acetabular fractures with low energy trauma via finite element modeling and analysis Düşük enerji travmalı acetabular kırıklarının sonlu elemanlar modeli ve analizi


The skeletal system undertakes many tasks such as the movement of the body, mineral storage, and protection of soft tissues. Damage to this structure affects human life negatively. Fractures that occur in the human body is damage to mainly to the bone structure and associated surrounding tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how the fractures are formed and the fracture mechanism. Furthermore, the mechanism of fracture is complicated and worthy of investigation. However, the examination of the bone is difficult because it is a structure covered with tissues like veins and muscles. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of emotional situation using EEG signals and machine learning methods EEG sinyalleri ve makine öğrenme yöntemlerini kullanılarak duygusal durum kestirimi

Yeşilkaya, Bartu

ÖZETEmotion estimation is an effective analysis method used to increase the interaction between humans and machines. Electroencephalogram (EEG) based emotion prediction studies based on brain signals become very attractive since they provide successful results of emotion analysis. In this study, new methods for emotion prediction are presented in accordance with dimensional emotion modeling. Multichannel EEG signals are recorded while the subjects viewed pictures from the International Affective Image System (IAPS) data set. Signal preconditioning and artefact elimination was performed by appl ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Optimizing the load carrying performance of the hydraulic guiding elements with finite elements method

Tanyeri, Cem

ÖZETHidrolik ve pnömatik sistemlerin uzun süreli sorunsuz çalışmasında önemli bir etkiye sahip olan kılavuz elemanlar, hidrolik ve pnömatik silindirlerde eksene dik olan kuvvetlere direnerek metal-metal temasını önlemek için kullanılır. Kılavuz elemanlarda en sık kullanılan malzemelerden biri olan kompozit malzemelerde, fiber yönelimleri ve takviye malzeme oranları gibi farklı parametreler, ürünün kalitesini ve mukavemetini büyük ölçüde etkiler. Bu çalışmada, kompozit kılavuz elemanların sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak malzemeden ürüne geçiş aşamalarının ve Digimat, Moldex3D ve MSC Marc p ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Simulation of three-dimensional slender droplet motion with adaptive mesh refinement Uyarlanabilir ağ yapısı ile üç boyutlu ince damla hareketi simülasyonu

Özdoğan, Mert

ABSTRACTWhile droplet moves over surfaces, various structures are observed cusp and corner formation, pearling, pinning/depinning, to name a few. We develop a finite element method (FEM) based solver to analyze three-dimensional motion of slender droplets over several substrates. To get accurate results within a feasible computation time, an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) based on non-conformal, balanced and preload quadtree mesh structure is embedded within our quadratic FEM solver to focus our computational power on specific regions like contact lines. We validate our solver with the power-l ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Tattoo dye removal using cold athmospheric plasma (CAP) Soğuk atmosferik plazma (SAP) kullanarak dövme boyası silme


ABSTRACTTattoo has been used as a method of self-expression of mankind since ancient times. The tattoo removal process with primitive methods is based on the process of peeling the skin layer on which the tattoo is placed. Besides being used today, laser is preferred by more people. The tattoo removal with laser is based on disintegration into smaller pieces by breaking the target tattoo pigment by absorbing the transmitted beam. It is then transferred to the nearest lymph node or disintegrated by the macrophages by means of blood or lymph circulation. The most common difficulty with laser tat ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Spatiotemporal analysis framework for ıdentifying emerging hot spots and energy potential from livestock manure in Turkey Türkiye’deki hayvan gübresinin yoğun olarak bulunduğu bölgelerin ve bu bölgelerin enerjipotansiyellerinin mekansal ve zamansal analizler ile belirlenmesi

Ruhbaş, Büşra Yüksel

ABSTRACTBiogas technology offers both an environmentally sustainable solution for livestock manure and generates renewable energy. Renewable energy production from livestock manure highly depends on the feedstock availability therefore, the spatial and temporal variability of livestock manure is critical for sustainable management of livestock manure via biogas plants. In this regard, this study aims to develop a replicable geographic information system-based spatiotemporal method to determineemerging hot spots and power capacities for new biogas plants and capacity expansion for the existing ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Development of novel donor and acceptor sam molecules for photovoltaic applications Fotovoltaik uygulamalar için yeni nesil donör ve akseptör kendiliğinden organize tek katman moleküllerin geliştirilmesi

Arkan, Emre

ABSTRACTSurface modification of indium tin oxide (ITO) is a crucial factor to alter the energy level barrier between ITO and perovskite that has direct influence on the charge extraction and recombination at interface. This henomenon has further direct effect on device parameters such as open circuit voltage (VOC), fill factor (FF), and short circuit current density (JSC). This study was base on the synthesis of six novel SAM molecules to be used in fabrication of p-i-n type perovskite solar cells. Since proposed SAMs are of push-pull type molecular nature, contiguous thiophene rings were used ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design and development of a multi degrees of freedom mobile platform to be utilized on rough terrain Engebeli arazi üzerinde kullanılmak üzere çok serbestlik dereceli bir mobil platform tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi

Paçalı, Ercan

ABSTRACTThanks to the technological advances that have been continuously improved throughout the last century, applications of robotics have increased in every aspect of our lives. Within all of these various applications, mobile robotics can be given as one of the most common and popular subfield. Utilization of mobile robots emerges in many environments such as, medical applications, military operations, simple household routines, and even space exploration. On the other hand, due to the requirements of different robot designs for individual applications, need for mobile robot designs, which ...Daha fazlası

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