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Evaluation of alveolar bone loss following rapid maxillary expansion using cone-beam computed tomography


Objective: To evaluate the changes in cortical bone thickness, alveolar bone height, and the incidence of dehiscence and fenestration in the surrounding alveolar bone of posterior teeth after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) treatment using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: The CBCT records of 20 subjects (9 boys, mean age: 13.97 ± 1.17 years; 11 girls, mean age: 13.53 ± 2.12 year) that underwent RME were selected from the archives. CBCT scans had been taken before (T1) and after (T2) the RME. Moreover, 10 of the subjects had 6-month retention (T3) records. We used th ...Daha fazlası

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Darbeli elektromanyetik alanların yüksek çözünürlüklü kablosuz sensor ağı ile araştırılması

Bardak, Merve

ÖZETDarbeli elektromanyetik alanların iyileştirici özelliklerini gösteren birçok çalışma vardır. Elektromanyetik alan tedavilerinin iyileştirici özellikleri kemik, yumuşak ve kanser dokusu gibi çeşitli dokularda gözlenmiştir. Darbeli elektromanyetik alanlar, yan etkileri olmayan ve düşük enerji seviyelerinden dolayı zarar vermeyen elektromanyetik uyarma olarak kabul edilir. Dokuların iyon aktivitelerini, kan dolaşımını hızlandırarak tedaviye yardımcı olduğu kabul edilir. Darbeli elektromanyetik alan tedavisi farklı frekanslarda, dalga formlarında, genlikte ve maruz kalma süresinde biyolojik do ...Daha fazlası

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Investigating the Relationship of Age, Gender, and Lateralization with Elbow Joint Proprioception


Objective: Decreased or impaired proprioceptive sense may cause abnormal loading, increased risk of injury, and risk to personal safety. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between elbow joint proprioception with age, gender, and dominance. Material and Method: One hundred and twenty nine asymptomatic individuals aged 18-65 years were included in the study. Elbow joint proprioception measurement was performed with joint position sense error measurement. Results: The mean age of the individuals was 30.80±13.29 years. 79 of them were female and 50 of them were male. 9 individual ...Daha fazlası

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Post-Earthquake Spinal Cord Injury: Role of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation


This review examines the crucial role of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in the management of post-earthquake spinal cord injuries (SCI). After an earthquake, patients with SCI require specialized and intensive rehabilitation programs to promote recovery, prevent complications, and enhance their quality of life. This article reviews the pathophysiology of post-earthquake SCI, the various clinical and functional assessments used to evaluate severity, and the different treatment options available including pharmacotherapy, surgical interventions, and rehabilitation. This review discusses the ch ...Daha fazlası

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Investigation of changes in the formation and types of non-metallic inclusions in the steel production process Çelik üretim sürecinde oluşan metal olmayan kalıntıların oluşumu ve değişimlerinin incelenmesi

Bakar, İbrahim

ABSTRACTIt is not possible to produce steel without inclusions as the process for steel production requires. Based on this fact, the researches on clean steel are concentrated on the reduction of inclusions and transformation of inclusions into harmless state by modification. The definition of steel cleanness is related to final product application. Non-metallic inclusion, in the liquid steel, causing many problems and production lost in steel production process and final application. Aluminum killed steels mostly contain Al2O3 and MnS inclusions. Al2O3 inclusions are formed during de-oxidatio ...Daha fazlası

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Numerical investigation of inverse magnus effect on a circular cylinder by controlling azimuthal circulation distribution Ters magnus etkisinin çevresel sirkülasyon dağılımı kontrolü ile dairesel silindir üzerinde sayısal olarak incelenmesi

Çelik, Acar

ÖZETMagnus etkisi, belirli koşullarda ortaya çıkan fiziksel bir olgudur. Bu fenomeni gözlemlemek için, bir akış ortamına daldırılmış dönen bir gövdeye (genellikle küre veya silindir) sahip olmak gerekir. Geri çekilme tarafındaki akış (gövdenin akışla aynı yönde hareket eden tarafı) dönüş yönünde yön değiştirir ve ters yönde etki eden bir tepki kuvveti (diğer bir deyişle kaldırma kuvveti) oluşturur. Ters Magnus etkisinde ise kuvvet tam zıt yönde oluşmaktadır. Kritik Reynolds sayısı ve dönme oranı aralıklarında, geri çekilen taraftaki akış laminer olma eğilimindedir ve bu da erken akış ayrılması ...Daha fazlası

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The Relationship of Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, Dietary Inflammatory Index and Nutrient Intake in University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

Objective: Investigating the relationships between dietary inflammatory index (DII), nutrient intake, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) of university students was aimed in the present study. Material and Method: A questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic characteristics, the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS), the 24-hour food record, and the DII scoring was completed by undergraduate students in Uskudar University. Results: A total of 750 students (52.3% male, mean age= 21.6±2.2 years, mean body mass index= 23.97±2.63 kg/m2) were included in the study. Half (50.7%) ...Daha fazlası

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Online learning stable adaptive controller for chaos control of bldc motor Fırçasız motorun kaos kontrolü için çevrimiçi öğrenen kararlı adaptif kontrolör

Gökçen, Alkım

ABSTRACTThis thesis presents an online learning stable robust adaptive controller design for the chaos control of the brushless direct current (BLDC) motor. The proposed adaptive controller algorithm consists of a Wiener model-based controller with a nonlinear auto-regressive moving-average (NARMA) based artificial neural network (ANN), and a Hammerstein based plant model. The developed online learning closed-loop control system providing stability and robustness might be defined as an auto-regressive moving average (ARMA) based system identification problem with partially known parameters. Th ...Daha fazlası

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Inventory and Asset Tracking Application

Aıda Ulutaş

The Inventory and Asset Tracking Application is a user-friendly web tool designed to help organizations keep track of their assets. It simplifies the process of managing and organizing different resources, making it easier for businesses to handle their belongings efficiently. With a straightforward interface and easy-to-use features, the app aims to improve how organizations handle their assets, providing a convenient solution for modern and reliable asset management. The application employs the .NET and .NET Core frameworks, with a focus on ASP.NET, Entity Framework, and SQLite for backend d ...Daha fazlası

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Developing alternative cultural tour routes for mount ida destination Kazdağı destinasyonu için alternatif kültür turu rotaları geliştirme

Çalhan, Özge

ÖZETCulture is one of the most important values that society must adapt to. In terms of the sustainability of culture, it is necessary to discover cultural values that carry the risk of disappearance and to be reintegrated to the society. The use of cultural heritage values by communities in the tourism industry is also very important for the development of the society. Countries exist in the world with their own cultures and introduce themselves to other nations through their culture. Interpretation and promotion of one culture to other cultures becomes easier through tourism. Tourism leads t ...Daha fazlası

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Investigation of Use of Lead Oxide Extracted from Recycled Batteries in Radar Absorbing Stealth Technology

Gürkan Ergün

Radar, uçakların tespiti ve takibi için en yaygın tekniktir. Radar, havacılık trafik yönetiminde vazgeçilmez bir araç olmasına rağmen, uçağın hedefini saldırıp fark edilmeden kaçmasını gerektiren saldırgan askeri operasyonlarda sorun oluşturur. Radar, elektromanyetik dalgaların atmosfere yayılmasını içerir; daha sonra uçaktan yansıyarak bir alıcı antene geri döner. Radar Emici Malzemeler (RAM), uçağın elektromanyetik dalga enerjisini emerek yansıyan sinyalin yoğunluğunu en aza indirmesi prensibiyle çalışır. Gizlilik ve görünmezlik gibi son derece önemli olan gizlilik teknolojisini sağlayan rad ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Growth of zno-ch nanostructures on ito/glass substrates through electrochemical anodization for biosensor applications Biyosensör uygulamaları için elektrokimyasal anotlama yöntemiyle İto/Cam yüzey üzerinde Zno-Kitosan nanoyapıların büyütülmesi

Uzunbayır, Berkant

ABSTRACTIn recent years, the utilization of nanotechnology rapidly developed for the wide range of sciences. Nanomaterials shows unique properties and ZnO nanostructures are the most suitable structures for biosensor applications due to their high surface area and high electrochemical activity. In this project first, we have coated zinc film on to Glass/ITO surface by electrochemical deposition method. Then we have transformed the obtained zinc film to nanostructured ZnO by electrochemical anodization method. At the end, we have tried to modify the ZnO nanostructured surface with chitosan for ...Daha fazlası

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