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FAKÜLTELERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
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Treatments of horizontal root fractures: four case reports


Horizontal root fractures are rare in comparison to other types of injuries and the reported prevalence in the literature is between 0.5% and 7%. The treatment and prognosis of root fractures depend on many variables, the most important being the length of time between trauma and treatment, degree of dislocation and mobility, site of fracture, fixation period, stage of root development, age of patient, and quality of treatment. The ideal healing type is hard tissue healing. The aim of these case reports is to present four different patients who had horizontal root fractures of imma ...Daha fazlası

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Dehiscence and fenestration in patients with different vertical growth patterns assessed with cone-beam computed tomography


Objective: To test the null hypothesis that the presence of alveolar defects (dehiscence and fenestration) was not different among patients with different vertical growth patterns. Materials and Methods: A total of 1872 teeth in 26 hyper-divergent (mean age: 24.4 6 4.8 years), 27 hypo-divergent (mean age: 25.1 6 4.5 years), and 25 normo-divergent (mean age: 23.6 6 4.1 years) patients with no previous orthodontic treatment were evaluated using cone-beam computed tomography. Axial and cross-sectional views were evaluated with regard to whether dehiscence and/or fenestration on buccal and l ...Daha fazlası

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Biochemical Relationship Between Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and COVID-19 And Effects Of Glutathione Supplements

ABSTRACT Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is an enzyme in the pentose phosphate pathway involved in the production of the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). One of the most common inherited enzyme abnormalities is G6PD deficiency. G6PD enzyme deficiency facilitates human coronavirus infection due to glutathione (GSH) depletion. Depletion of glutathione due to blockage of the pentose phosphate pathway can hardly preserve the oxidative and anti-oxidative balance. GSH protects the body from the harmful effects of oxidative damage from excess reactive oxy ...Daha fazlası

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Musculoskeletal Problems in Wheelchair Users: A Review Study

Mobility is the basic need for functionality in human life. Physically disabled people often require mobility aids and wheelchairs are the most commonly preferred assistive mobility devices for enhancing independent functional mobility. Today, powered and manual wheelchair technology is available. Manual wheelchair propulsion necessitates more repetitive loading, but because the human body is not designed for such movement, musculoskeletal and functional issues such as pain and joint limitation may arise among manual wheelchair users. They require more support from their spine, arm, elbow, and ...Daha fazlası

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Family Needs in Intensive Care: Comparison of Family-Nurse Perceptions


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the importance level of the needs of family members according to the perceptions of family members and nurses, and the satisfaction level of these needs. Material and Method: The research was carried out in the internal medicine and intensive care units of a university hospital. 100 family members and 105 nurses were participated. Critical Care Family Needs Inventory was used to determine the importance and satisfaction levels of the family members ‘needs. Results: According to the "Critical Care Family Needs Inventory", the needs of family ...Daha fazlası

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Thyroid Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Effects of Phénobarbital on Thyroid Hormones


Thyroid function tests were performed on 44 patients with cerebral palsy (CP) and on 35 healthy children as the control group. In the panent group total triiodothyronin (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4), free triiodothyronin (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were found in wholly normal ranges. These values have shown no significant difference with respect to those of die control group (p>0.05). It was snüdng that -13 %, 41 % and 55 % of the padents were under 3 percentile according to length, weight and head circumference respectively. Thyroid funcdon tests of ...Daha fazlası

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Resonance frequency analysis of orthodontic miniscrews subjected to light-emitting diode photobiomodulation therapy


The aim of this prospective experimental study was to evaluate the effect of light-emitting diode (LED) photobiomodulation therapy (LPT) on the stability of immediately loaded miniscrews under different force levels, as assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Sixty titanium orthodontic miniscrews with a length of 8 mm and a diameter of 1.4 mm were implanted into cortical bone by closed flap technique in each proximal tibia of 15 New Zealand white adult male rabbits (n = 30). The animals were randomly divided into irradiated and control groups under different force levels (0, 150, and 3 ...Daha fazlası

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Examination of the Relationship Between Nutrition, Exercise Behavior and Internet Addiction in Adolescents

Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between adolescents' nutritionexercise behaviors and internet addiction, as well as identify the factors affecting their eating-exercise behaviors and internet addiction. Material and Method: This cross-sectional descriptive correlational study was performed in Fethiye. The sample of the study consisted of 421 students attending 11 secondary schools. Data were collected using a descriptive data form, the Internet Addiction Scale and the Nutrition Exercise Behavior Scale. The data were collected by the researcher after obtaining ethical c ...Daha fazlası

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Reproduction and population structure of the sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa in the Dardanelles Strait (Turkey)


This study investigated Holothuria tubulosa, Gmelin 1791 in the Dardanelles Strait from April 2013 to March 2014, in order to outline the morphological characteristics, reproductive patterns and the relationship between population characteristics and environmental parameters. 15 to 30 individuals of this species were sampled monthly at three stations. There was a negative allometry between length and weight, with gutted weight being the most reliable measurement for this species. The reproductive patterns of the species were identified for the first time for examples from the Turkish coast ...Daha fazlası

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Dental and Alveolar Arch Widths in Normal Occlusion, Class II division 1 and Class II division 2


The aim of this study was to compare the transverse dimensions of the dental arches and alveolar arches in the canine, premolar, and molar regions of Class II division 1 and Class II division 2 malocclusion groups with normal occlusion subjects. This study was performed using measurements on dental casts of 150 normal occlusion (mean age: 21.6 6 2.6 years), 106 Class II division 1 (mean age: 17.2 6 2.4 years), and 108 Class II division 2 (mean age: 18.5 6 2.9 years) malocclusion subjects. Independent-samples t-test was applied for comparisons of the groups. These findings indicate that t ...Daha fazlası

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