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Tijana KRSTIC : Osmanlı Dünyasında İhtida Anlatıları (15-17 Yüzyıllar) İngilizceden çev. Ahmet Tunç Şen, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2015, 301 sayfa, ISBN: 978-605-105-142-0


Tijana Krstic, Osmanlı Dünyasında İhtida Anlatıları (15-17 Yüzyıllar), İngilizceden çev. Ahmet Tunç Şen, İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, 2015, 301 sayfa, ISBN: 978-605-105-142-0

Erişime Açık

Evliya Çelebi’nin İlk İran Seyahati Güzergâhı ve Kalelere İlişkin Bilgiler


Thanks to official duties Evliya Çelebi went to Iran twice in 1646-1647 and in 1655. First time he was sent as an envoy by Defterdarzade Mehmed Pasa to Kalb Ali Khan, the governor of Tabriz. During his duty Evliya Çelebi traveled around the north of the Safavid territories (Azerbaijan, Shirvan, Daghestan and Georgia) and returned to Erzurum. In this study initially the route of his journey is discussed. Then, information given by him about history and physical conditions of the castles on his route were evaluated. Evliya Çelebi, 1646-47'de ve 1655'de iki kez resmi görevlerle İran'a gitti ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Irak-ı Arap'ta Osmanlı – Safevi Mücadelesi (XVI-XVII. Yüzyıllar)


Iraq-i Arab territories the political, economic and religious reasons, the Ottomans, the Safavids was important for both. Since 1508, this region in the hands of the Safavids. Here, the Ottomans conquered during the campaign Irakeyn years of 1533-35. After that, this land remained in the hands of the Ottomans until early 1624. Subaşı Bekir has launched a rebellion demanding his state's administration. Baghdad was captured by Shah Abbas in the process. Then, the Safavids invaded region of Kirkuk, Mosul and Diyarbakir. The Ottomans were intense efforts to get back to Baghdad. Finally, in 16 ...Daha fazlası

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XVI. Yüzyılda Sandıklı Kasabası


Sandıklı is an old setti ement. 12* century certainly came under Turkish control. Anatolian Seljuks, Sahib Ata and Germiyan principalities dominated this land. This region annexed by Ottomans in 1429. The District of Sandıklı has connected to the Sandjak of Karahisar-i Sahib in the I6th century. There are eight quarters at the beginning of the 16* century. However, at the end of century, the number of quarters has dropped to five. Nevertheless, the population increased by about 50%. Some of the inhabitants of the town around the city is engaged in agriculture. In this century, Sandıklı market ...Daha fazlası

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XIX. yüzyıl Ortalarında Karahisar-ı Sahib'de Fiyatlar ( 1844-1854)


In this study the trend of prices were examined in the Karahisar-ı Sahib City in the middle of the XIX Th century. It is known that the inner and outer stability were not be able to reach in the Osmanlı State in the XVIII and XIX Th centuries. It is the causal high inflation. The high inflation affected the Karahisar-ı Sahih City, too. in the middle of the XIX Th century, the prices were seen instability. However, the prices were seen generally rose. Especially the prices of food were high between 1852 and 1854. This was the result of grasshopper invasion accrued at that time. As for the price ...Daha fazlası

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Modern Türkçede Hayali Bilgi Sorunu ve İslâm Düşüncesinin Tarih-dışılığı

Muhammet ÖZDEMİR

Bu çalışmada, modern Türkçede bilgi sorunsalı soruşturulmaktadır. Dilin statüsü, düşünme ve bilgi süreçleri üzerinde temel ve işlevsel etkilere sahiptir; çünkü o, bilginin tarihsel ve nedensel koşullarını yapılandırmaktadır. Türkçenin felsefi mantığı bakımından ciddi bir sorun bulunmaktadır. Bu sorun, insanların Türkçe kavramlar ile niyetlendikleri anlamlar arasındaki ilişkiyi olumsuz etkilemektedir ve Türkçe düşüncenin özel şartları ile dile getirilebilir. Bu nedenle modern düşüncenin, klasik İslâm düşüncesinin ve aktüel Türk düşüncesinin incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Böylece makale, klasi ...Daha fazlası

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