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Alveolar bone thickness and lower incisor position in skeletal Class I and Class II malocclusions assessed with cone-beam computed tomography


Makale | 2013 | The Korean Association of Orthodontists

Objective: To evaluate lower incisor position and bony support between patients with Class II average- and high-angle malocclusions and compare with the patients presenting Class I malocclusions. Methods: CBCT records of 79 patients were divided into 2 groups according to sagittal jaw relationships: Class I and II. Each group was further divided into average- and high-angle subgroups. Six angular and 6 linear measurements were performed. Independent samples t-test, Kruskal–Wallis, and Dunn post-hoc tests were performed for statistical comparisons. Results: Labial alveolar bone thickness was significantly higher in Cl . . .ass I group compared to Class II group (p = 0.003). Lingual alveolar bone angle (p = 0.004), lower incisor protrusion (p = 0.007) and proclination (p = 0.046) were greatest in Class II average-angle patients. Spongious bone was thinner (p = 0.016) and root apex was closer to the labial cortex in high-angle subgroups when compared to the Class II average-angle subgroup (p = 0.004). Conclusions: Mandibular anterior bony support and lower incisor position were different between average- and high-angle Class II patients. Clinicians should be aware that the range of lower incisor movement in high-angle Class II patients is limited compared to average- angle Class II patients Daha fazlası Daha az

Do enamel microabrasion and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate affect shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded to a demineralized enamel surface?


Makale | 2012 | The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation

Objective: To evaluate and compare the effects of enamel microabrasion, casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP), and their combination on the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets bonded to demineralized enamel surface. Materials and Methods: One hundred human first premolar teeth were randomly allocated to one of five groups. Group I was considered as the control of other groups. For the remaining groups, demineralization was performed via solutions. In group II, brackets were directly bonded to the demineralized enamel surface. CPP-ACP was applied in group III, microabrasion was performed in grou . . .p IV, and both microabrasion and CPP-ACP application were performed in group V. The specimens were tested for SBS. Bond failures were scored according to the Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI). Analysis of variance and Tukey tests were used to compare the SBS of the groups. ARI scores of the groups were evaluated with a G-test. The statistical significance was set at P Daha fazlası Daha az

Effects of modified and conventional facemask therapies with expansion on dynamic measurement of natural head position in Class III patients


Makale | 2011 | American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical trial was to assess the effects of varying force directions on the dynamic measurement of natural head position and orofacial airway dimensions of Class III patients during maxillary orthopedic protraction compared with an untreated control group. Methods: The conventional facemask group comprised 15 patients (8 girls, 7 boys; mean age, 9.6 6 1.3 years), the modified facemask group comprised 15 patients (7 girls, 8 boys; mean age, 9.5 6 1.5 years), and the control group comprised 15 subjects (7 girls, 8 boys; mean age, 9.8 6 1.6 years). Natural head position measurements and ce . . .phalometric records were obtained from all subjects before and after treatment or the control period (approximately 1 year). An inclinometer and a portable data logger were used to collect the dynamic natural head position data. For statistical comparisons, paired samples t tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post-hoc Tukey tests were used at the P\0.05 level. Results: Both treatment groups showed statistically significant changes in the sagittal (pitch) measurements of natural head position and upper pharynx, aerial, and total area of airway measurements during the treatment period. In the control group, the only statistically significant change was an increased upper pharynx measurement (P 5 0.020). According to the intergroup comparisons, statistically significant natural head position differences were found in the conventional (6.4 flexion) and the modified (5.7 flexion) facemask groups when compared with the controls. The modified facemask group also showed significant changes in aerial (P 5 0.003) and total (P\0.001) areas of the airway measurements compared with the control group. No statistically significant differences were observed between the 2 treatment groups. Conclusions: These findings suggest that modified and conventional facemask therapy with expansion have significant cranial flexion effects on the dynamic measurements of natural head position. Additionally, the modified facemask procedure showed significant effects on the orofacial airway dimensions compared with the initial values and the values of the untreated controls Daha fazlası Daha az

Low-shrinking composites. Are they reliable for bonding orthodontic retainers?


Makale | 2011 | The Korean Association of Orthodontists

To evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS), fracture mode, wire pull out (WPO) resistance and microleakage between low-shrinking and conventional composites used as a lingual retainer adhesive. Methods: A total of 120 human mandibular incisor teeth, extracted for periodontal reasons, were collected. Sixty of them were separated into two groups. To determine the SBS, either Transbond-LR (3M-Unitek) or Silorane (3M-Espe) was applied to the lingual surface of the teeth by packing the material into standard cylindrical plastic matrices (Ultradent) to simulate the lingual retainer bonding area. To test WPO resistance, 20 samples were prep . . .ared for each composite where the wire was embedded in the composite materialand cured. Then tensile stress was applied until failure of the composite occurred. The remaining 60 teeth were divided into two groups and multi-stranded 0.0215-inch diameter wire was bonded with the same composites. Microleakage was evaluated by the dye penetration method. Statistical analyses were performed by Wilcoxon, Pearson chi-square, and Mann-Whitney-U tests at p > 0.05 level. Results: The SBS and WPO results were not statistically significant between the two groups. Significant differences were found between the groups in terms of fracture mode (p > 0.001). Greater percentages of the fractures showed mix type failure (85%) for Silorane and adhesive (60%) for Transbond-LR. Microleakage values were lower in low-shrinking composite than the control and this difference was found to be statistically significant (p > 0.001). Conclusions: Low-shrinking composite produced sufficient SBS, WPO and micro-leakage values on the etched enamel surfaces, when used as a lingual retainer composite Daha fazlası Daha az

Influence of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer treatment on the perioral and masticatory muscles in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion


Makale | 2012 | European Orthodontic Society

The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate the effects of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer (POT) appliance on the anterior temporal, mental, orbicularis oris, and masseter muscles through electromyography (EMG) evaluations in subjects with Class II division 1 malocclusion and incompetent lips. Twenty patients (mean age: 9.8 ± 2.2 years) with a Class II division 1 malocclusion were treated with POT (Myofunctional Research Co., Queensland, Australia). A group of 15 subjects (mean age: 9.2 ± 0.9 years) with untreated Class II division 1 malocclusions was used as a control. EMG recordings of treatment group were taken at the beginning and a . . .t the end of the POT therapy (mean treatment period: 7.43 ± 1.06 months). Follow-up records of the control group were taken after 8 months of the first records. Recordings were taken during different oral functions: clenching, sucking, and swallowing. Statistical analyses were undertaken with Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney U-tests. During the POT treatment, activity of anterior temporal, mental, and masseter muscles was decreased and orbicularis oris activity was increased during clenching and these differences were found statistically significant when compared to control. Orbicularis oris activity during sucking was increased in the treatment group (P < 0.05). In the control group, significant changes were determined for anterior temporal (P < 0.05) and masseter (P < 0.01) muscle at clenching and orbicularis oris (P < 0.05) muscle at swallowing during observation period. Present findings indicated that treatment with POT appliance showed a positive influence on the masticatory and perioral musculature Daha fazlası Daha az

COVID 19 Küresel Salgınına Genel Bakış


Kitap | 2021 | İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi

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Mandibular asymmetry in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite patients using cone-beam computed tomography


Makale | 2011 | The E. H. Angle Education and Research Foundation

Objective: To test the hypotheses that (1) there is no difference in mandibular asymmetry between the crossbite and normal side in a unilateral crossbite group (UCG) and between the right and left sides in a bilateral crossbite group (BCG) and a control group (CG); and (2) there is no significant difference in mandibular asymmetry among crossbite groups and control group. Materials and Methods: The cone-beam computed tomography scans of three groups were studied: (1) 15 patients (6 male, 9 female; mean age: 13.51 6 2.03 years) with unilateral posterior crossbite; (2) 15 patients (8 male, 7 female; mean age: 13.36 6 2.12 years) . . . with bilateral posterior crossbite; and (3) 15 patients (8 male, 7 female; mean age: 13.46 6 1.53 years) as a control group. Fourteen parameters (eight linear, three surface, and three volumetric) were measured. Side comparisons were analyzed with paired samples t-test, and for the intergroup comparison, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests were used at the P , .05 level. Results: According to side comparisons, no statistically significant difference was found in the UCG. There were statistically significant differences in hemimandibular (P 5 .008) and ramal (P 5 .004) volumes for the BCG and in ramal height (P 5 .024) and body length (P 5 .021) for the CG. Intergroup comparisons revealed significant differences in hemimandibular (P 5 .002) and body volume (P , .001) for the normal side of the UCG and left sides of the other groups, and in angular unit length (P 5 .025) and condylar width (P 5 .007) for the crossbite side of the UCG and the right sides of the other groups. Conclusions: Contrary to UCG, CG and BCG were found to have side-specific asymmetry. Skeletal components of the mandible have significant asymmetry among the crossbite groups and the CG Daha fazlası Daha az

Ebeveynlerin pedodonti konusundaki tutumu nedir?


Makale | 2008 | Selçuk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi

Background: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the educational status of the parents who applied to the pediatric dentistry clinic and their approach to children’s oral-den- tal health. Methods: Questionnaire form with 8 question was used for parents. 226 parents which were selected randomly were included to the study. All parents gave their verbal assent to participation and infor- mation about questionnaire was given to them. The data were ana- lyzed by using chi-square tests. Results: The mean age for the mothers was 34,9, for the fathers was 39, for their children was 8,6. There was significant differ . . .ence search for ‘parents education status and who referred you to the pediatric dentistry clinic?’ ( Daha fazlası Daha az

Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin köprü restorasyonu


Makale | 2011 | Türkiye Klinikleri

Çocuk ve adolesanlarda konjenital olarak eksik veya travma nedeni ile kaybedilmiş daimi kesici dişlerden kaynaklanan problemlerin tedavisi için farklı yaklaşımlar mevcuttur. Bu olgu raporunda, alt ön keser dişleri konjenital olarak eksik olan hastaya uygulanan polietilen fiber ile güçlendirilmiş rezin tutuculu köprü sunumu amaçlanmıştır. On iki yaşındaki kız çoğuğu, bölümümüze diş eksikliğine bağlı estetik problem nedeni ile getirildi. Ağız içi ve radyolojik muayenesinden alt ön keser dişlerinin konjenital olarak eksik olduğu belirlendi. Komşu yan keser dişler bu bölgeye diastemalı olarak yerleştikleri için mevcut boşluk, köprü yapı . . .mına uygun değildi. Kısa süreli ortodontik tedavi ile köprü yapımı planlanan boşluk kısmen yeterli hale getirildi. Kompozit materyalden hazırlanan köprü gövdesi mevcut boşluğa, fiber ile güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin materyal yardımıyla sabittendi. Hastanın 24 ay sonraki kontrolünde herhangi bir sorunun olmadığı görüldü. Minimal invaziv yaklaşımla uygulanan fiber ile güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin köprülerin, gelişim dönemindeki hastalar için estetik, fonksiyon ve fonasyon kayıplarının düzeltilmesinde kullanılan ekonomik bir tedavi seçeneği olduğunu düşünmekteyiz. Different treatment alternatives are considered for the rehabilitation of congenitally or traumatically missing permanent incisors in young children and adolescents. The purpose of this case report is to present an example of polyethylene fiber-reinforced composite resin bonded bridge. A 12-year-old girl, was referred to our clinic with complaints regarding aesthetics. The screening procedure revealed congenitally missing lower central incisors short term orthodontic treatment provided the necessary space for prothetic restoration was relatively opened to a built bridge. Fiber reinforced composite resin material was used to bond the composite bridge restoring the created space. Follow-up examination after 24 months, revealed stability with the absence of problems. Fiber reinforced composite resin bridge applications with minimal invasive approach may be an economical treatment alternative for rehabilitation of aesthetics, function and phonetics in young children and adolescents Daha fazlası Daha az

Changes in mandibular transversal arch dimensions after rapid maxillary expansion procedure assessed through cone-beam computed


Makale | 2011 | The Korean Association of Orthodontists

Objective: This study aimed at evaluating the changes in mandibular arch widths and buccolingual inclinations of mandibular posterior teeth after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Methods: Baseline and post expansion cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images of patients who initially had bilateral posterior cross-bite and underwent RME with a banded type expander were assessed in this study. The patients included 9 boys (mean age: 13.97 1.17 years) and 11 girls (mean age: 13.53 2.12 years). Images obtained 6 months after retention were available for 10 of these patients. Eighteen angular and 43 linear measurements were performed f . . .or the maxilla and mandible. The measurements were performed on frontally clipped images at the following time points; before expansion (T1), after expansion (T2), and after retention (T3). Statistical significance was assessed with paired sample t test at 0.05. Results: T1 T2 comparisons showed statistically significant post RME increases for all measurements; similarly, T2 T1 and T3 T1 comparisons showed statistically significant changes. The maxillary linear and angular measurements showed decreases after expansion, and mandibular linear and angular measurements increased after retention. Conclusion: All mandibular arch widths increased and mandibular posterior teeth were uprighted after RME procedure Daha fazlası Daha az

EMG PSD Measures in Orthodontic Appliances


Kitap Bölümü | 2011 | InTech

The human body consists of different systems which include the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal system, etc. Each system performs some kind of vital task and carries on many physiological processes. For example, the primary functions of the musculoskeletal system can be summarized as generating forces, producing motion, moving substance within the body, providing stabilization, and generating heat. Physiological processes are multifaceted fact and most of them manifest themselves as signals that reflect their nature and activities. These types of signals may be hormonal, physical or electrical. The gene . . .ral name of the electrical signals taken from the related organ or physiologic process with invasive or non-invasive methods is called Biomedical Signals. This signal is normally a function of time and is definable in terms of its amplitude, frequency and phase (Rangayyan, 2002). The electromyography (EMG) signal is a biomedical signal that detects the electrical potential generated by muscle cells when these cells contract, and also when the cells are at rest. Three types of muscle tissue can be identified. One of them is the skeletal muscle, and the others are the smooth muscle and the cardiac muscle. The EMG is applied to the study of skeletal muscle (Reaz et al., 2006). Skeletal muscles are comprised by nearly parallel cells and the muscle fibers which constitute the contractile structural units. Muscle fibers are activated by the central nervous system through electrical signals transmitted by motoneurons. A single motoneuron together with the muscle fibers that it contacts is called a motor unit which is the smallest functional subdivision of the neuromuscular system (Moritani, et al. 2004) The central nervous system controls the activation of motor units to optimize the interaction between our body and the surrounding environment. When the motor units are activated by the central nervous system, they produce an action potential trains of the active motor units add together to generate the interference EMG signal. Surface and needle electrodes have been used to detect EMG of muscles. Surface electrodes have been widely used to investigate neuromuscular functions because of their several advantages, for example, it is noninvasive, easy to adhere to the skin and to detect the total activities of the muscle and it was called Surface EMG (SEMG). Bu the real advantage of this technique is that it is more beneficial in studies, in which simultaneous movement of many muscles is examined in vast muscle groups. On the other hand, surface electrodes have disadvantages as well. Due to the broad area for receiving signals on respective muscl Daha fazlası Daha az

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