Ebeveynlerin pedodonti konusundaki tutumu nedir?


Makale | 2008 | Selçuk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi

Background: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the educational status of the parents who applied to the pediatric dentistry clinic and their approach to children’s oral-den- tal health. Methods: Questionnaire form with 8 question was used for parents. 226 parents which were selected randomly were included to the study. All parents gave their verbal assent to participation and infor- mation about questionnaire was given to them. The data were ana- lyzed by using chi-square tests. Results: The mean age for the mothers was 34,9, for the fathers was 39, for their children was 8,6. There was significant differ . . .ence search for ‘parents education status and who referred you to the pediatric dentistry clinic?’ ( Daha fazlası Daha az

Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin köprü restorasyonu


Makale | 2011 | Türkiye Klinikleri

Çocuk ve adolesanlarda konjenital olarak eksik veya travma nedeni ile kaybedilmiş daimi kesici dişlerden kaynaklanan problemlerin tedavisi için farklı yaklaşımlar mevcuttur. Bu olgu raporunda, alt ön keser dişleri konjenital olarak eksik olan hastaya uygulanan polietilen fiber ile güçlendirilmiş rezin tutuculu köprü sunumu amaçlanmıştır. On iki yaşındaki kız çoğuğu, bölümümüze diş eksikliğine bağlı estetik problem nedeni ile getirildi. Ağız içi ve radyolojik muayenesinden alt ön keser dişlerinin konjenital olarak eksik olduğu belirlendi. Komşu yan keser dişler bu bölgeye diastemalı olarak yerleştikleri için mevcut boşluk, köprü yapı . . .mına uygun değildi. Kısa süreli ortodontik tedavi ile köprü yapımı planlanan boşluk kısmen yeterli hale getirildi. Kompozit materyalden hazırlanan köprü gövdesi mevcut boşluğa, fiber ile güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin materyal yardımıyla sabittendi. Hastanın 24 ay sonraki kontrolünde herhangi bir sorunun olmadığı görüldü. Minimal invaziv yaklaşımla uygulanan fiber ile güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin köprülerin, gelişim dönemindeki hastalar için estetik, fonksiyon ve fonasyon kayıplarının düzeltilmesinde kullanılan ekonomik bir tedavi seçeneği olduğunu düşünmekteyiz. Different treatment alternatives are considered for the rehabilitation of congenitally or traumatically missing permanent incisors in young children and adolescents. The purpose of this case report is to present an example of polyethylene fiber-reinforced composite resin bonded bridge. A 12-year-old girl, was referred to our clinic with complaints regarding aesthetics. The screening procedure revealed congenitally missing lower central incisors short term orthodontic treatment provided the necessary space for prothetic restoration was relatively opened to a built bridge. Fiber reinforced composite resin material was used to bond the composite bridge restoring the created space. Follow-up examination after 24 months, revealed stability with the absence of problems. Fiber reinforced composite resin bridge applications with minimal invasive approach may be an economical treatment alternative for rehabilitation of aesthetics, function and phonetics in young children and adolescents Daha fazlası Daha az

Ehlers-danlos sendromu : olgu sunumu


Makale | 2009 | Selçuk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a connective tissue disease that has effect on the structure and function of collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that is one of the main building structures of connective tissues such as skin, tendon, bone and cartilage. Connective tissue requires all type of collagen to function correctly. People with EDS may show symptoms such as skin hyperelasticity, joint hypermobility, increased tendency to bruise and abnormal scarring. Dental findings have been reported with some types of EDS. This case report describes the dental findings of a patient (10, c?) who applied to Selçuk University Department . . .of Pediatric Dentistry with dental caries and mobility. According to his medical history he was born at month 7 of the pregnancy. He had a history of easy bruising and scarring after minimal trauma and presented a soft and hyperextensible skin. In addition, he had atrophic paper scars on the face, elbows, knees and shins; hypertelorizm on the face, ecchymosis on the lower legs and generalized joint laxity. Intraoral examination revealed pigmentation at gingival tissues, mobility at mandibular lateral and central incisors and supernumerary teeth in the area of left maxilla. Based on these findings the patient’s profile was consistent with classical type EDS. In this report a case with EDS is presented and also the clinical approach to his dental problems is emphasized Daha fazlası Daha az

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