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FAKÜLTELERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
FAKÜLTELERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Comparison of three different orthodontic wires for bonded lingual retainer fabrication


Objective We evaluated the detachment force, amount of deformation, fracture mode, and pull-out force of 3 different wires used for bonded lingual retainer fabrication. Methods We tested 0.0215-inch five-stranded wire (PentaOne, Masel; group I), 0.016 × 0.022-inch dead-soft eight-braided wire (Bond-A-Braid, Reliance; group II), and 0.0195-inch dead-soft coaxial wire (Respond, Ormco; group III). To test detachment force, deformation, and fracture mode, we embedded 94 lower incisor teeth in acrylic blocks in pairs. Retainer wires were bonded to the teeth and vertically directed force was ap ...Daha fazlası

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Relationship between odontogenic bacteremia and orthodontic stripping


Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of bacteremia associated with an orthodontic stripping procedure. Methods: The study included 29 orthodontic patients (mean age, 18.2 6 3.4 years). We used a standardized stripping procedure: a perforated stripping disk with a contra-angle hand piece was used at a low speed (\15,000 rpm; 10 seconds) on the mandibular anterior teeth. Blood samples were collected by inserting a cannula into the left antecubital fossa. A baseline sample was taken before treatment, and a second sample was taken after the stripping procedure. T ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Resonance frequency analysis of orthodontic miniscrews subjected to light-emitting diode photobiomodulation therapy


The aim of this prospective experimental study was to evaluate the effect of light-emitting diode (LED) photobiomodulation therapy (LPT) on the stability of immediately loaded miniscrews under different force levels, as assessed by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Sixty titanium orthodontic miniscrews with a length of 8 mm and a diameter of 1.4 mm were implanted into cortical bone by closed flap technique in each proximal tibia of 15 New Zealand white adult male rabbits (n = 30). The animals were randomly divided into irradiated and control groups under different force levels (0, 150, and 3 ...Daha fazlası

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Influence of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer treatment on the perioral and masticatory muscles in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion


The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate the effects of Pre-Orthodontic Trainer (POT) appliance on the anterior temporal, mental, orbicularis oris, and masseter muscles through electromyography (EMG) evaluations in subjects with Class II division 1 malocclusion and incompetent lips. Twenty patients (mean age: 9.8 ± 2.2 years) with a Class II division 1 malocclusion were treated with POT (Myofunctional Research Co., Queensland, Australia). A group of 15 subjects (mean age: 9.2 ± 0.9 years) with untreated Class II division 1 malocclusions was used as a control. EMG recordings of treatment ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Effects of demineralizaton-inhibition procedures on the bond strength of brackets bonded to demineralized enamel surface


Objective: To study and compare the effects of different demineralizationinhibition methods on the shear bond strength (SBS) and fracture mode of an adhesive used to bond orthodontic brackets to demineralized enamel surfaces. Methods: Eighty freshly extracted, human maxillary premolars were divided into 4 equal groups and demineralized over the course of 21 days. Brackets were bonded to the demineralized enamel of teeth in Group 1. In Group 2, bonding was performed following resin infi ltration (ICON®, DMG, Hamburg, Germany). Before bonding, pre-treatment with acidulated phosphate fluor ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Low-shrinking composites. Are they reliable for bonding orthodontic retainers?


To evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS), fracture mode, wire pull out (WPO) resistance and microleakage between low-shrinking and conventional composites used as a lingual retainer adhesive. Methods: A total of 120 human mandibular incisor teeth, extracted for periodontal reasons, were collected. Sixty of them were separated into two groups. To determine the SBS, either Transbond-LR (3M-Unitek) or Silorane (3M-Espe) was applied to the lingual surface of the teeth by packing the material into standard cylindrical plastic matrices (Ultradent) to simulate the lingual retainer bonding area. To t ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Treatments of horizontal root fractures: four case reports


Horizontal root fractures are rare in comparison to other types of injuries and the reported prevalence in the literature is between 0.5% and 7%. The treatment and prognosis of root fractures depend on many variables, the most important being the length of time between trauma and treatment, degree of dislocation and mobility, site of fracture, fixation period, stage of root development, age of patient, and quality of treatment. The ideal healing type is hard tissue healing. The aim of these case reports is to present four different patients who had horizontal root fractures of imma ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ebeveynlerin pedodonti konusundaki tutumu nedir?


Background: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the educational status of the parents who applied to the pediatric dentistry clinic and their approach to children’s oral-den- tal health. Methods: Questionnaire form with 8 question was used for parents. 226 parents which were selected randomly were included to the study. All parents gave their verbal assent to participation and infor- mation about questionnaire was given to them. The data were ana- lyzed by using chi-square tests. Results: The mean age for the mothers was 34,9, for the fathers was 39, for their childr ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fiberle güçlendirilmiş kompozit rezin köprü restorasyonu


Çocuk ve adolesanlarda konjenital olarak eksik veya travma nedeni ile kaybedilmiş daimi kesici dişlerden kaynaklanan problemlerin tedavisi için farklı yaklaşımlar mevcuttur. Bu olgu raporunda, alt ön keser dişleri konjenital olarak eksik olan hastaya uygulanan polietilen fiber ile güçlendirilmiş rezin tutuculu köprü sunumu amaçlanmıştır. On iki yaşındaki kız çoğuğu, bölümümüze diş eksikliğine bağlı estetik problem nedeni ile getirildi. Ağız içi ve radyolojik muayenesinden alt ön keser dişlerinin konjenital olarak eksik olduğu belirlendi. Komşu yan keser dişler bu bölgeye diastemalı olarak yerl ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Açık apeksli dişlerde MTA fillapex'in apikal sızıntıya etkisinin değerlendirilmesi


Amaç: Nekrotik pulpalı immatür dişlerde kök ucunun açık olması, kök kanal sisteminin geniş ve kök ucuna doğru genişleyerek sonlanması nedeniyle bu dişlerde endodontik tedavi ile etkili bir apikal tıkama oluşturulması oldukça zordur. Bu yüzden bu dişlerin endodontik tedavilerinde kullanılacak kök kanal dolgu sisteminin apikal tıkama özelliği önem kazanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda hazırlanan simule immatür dişlerde yeni üretilmiş MTA Fillapex kanal dolgu patının Güta-perka ile birlikte kullanımı ve oluşturduğu apikal tıkamanın etkinliği Güta-perka/AH Plus kanal dolgu sistemi ile karşılaştırılarak in v ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Farklı kanal dolgu patlarının koronal sızıntıya etkisinin karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmesi


Amaç: Koronal örtücülük, endodontik tedavinin başarısını ve periapikal doku sağlığını etkileyen kritik bir faktördür. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda yeni üretilmiş MTA Fillapex kanal dolgu patının Güta-perka ile birlikte kullanımı ve oluşturduğu koronal tıkamanın etkinliği Güta-perka/AH Plus kanal dolgu sistemi ile karşılaştırılarak in vitro koşullarda değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada 20 adet örnek Güta-perka/MTA Fillapex, 20 adet örnek Güta-perka/AH Plus ile doldurulmuştur. Bulgular: Boya penetrasyon testi ile elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildiğinde Güta-perka/MTA Filla ...Daha fazlası

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