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Computer based X-Ray imaging device design alternative using consumer electronic components

Manalp, Alpman

Medical imaging provides images of structures of the body that is not visible to human eye. It is a basic need that determines the irregularities, abnormalities, parts with different densities, spaces and foreign objects that is not supposed to be in the body. It has major importance for fast and correct diagnose. Imaging is frequently used for periodic scans for early diagnostic and follow up scans of treated patients. No matter how important it is, accessibility of the imaging devices especially digital imaging systems that provides real time images is extremely limited. There are very ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Social media analysis based on mobile systems

Yavuz, Levent

The use of internet and social media has increasing with the developing new technologies and large number of people have actively using of the internet. At the same time the development of mobile technologies and the widespread usage of the mobile devices that can be shown as the reason for that. In this way, social media has become a virtual environment in which people interact with each other. Some of social media platforms such as Twitter have become very popular and most of people share some information about themselves on these platforms. They also share their ideas, thoughts, live ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design and development of a collimator mechanism that will be utilized in radiation therapy

Yazıcı, Mustafa Volkan

This thesis focuses on a Multileaf Collimator design that can shape the beam contour to fit the shape of target geometry and its design improvements. Main purpose of this design is lowering the number of leaves on the multileaf collimator and making the system easier to be controlled. As the Collimator devices undertake the most important point of the beam shaping procedure, ease of control and precision of collimator devices are the major points of operation. As the radiation therapy is one of the most complex and vital medical operations, this thesis started with the deep literature survey ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of the Effects of Statistically Significant Features on the Classification of EEG-Based Motor Imagery Tasks

Murside Degirmenci

Motor imagery (MI) task classification is highly prevalent in Electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research area. Extremity movement task classification and finger movement classification studies are presented in this thesis. In extremity movement classification, binary-class (right hand and left hand) and multi-class (right hand, left hand, right hand, and left hand) classifications are performed using 4 different feature extraction approaches and statistically significance-based feature selection (the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA test). Firstly, time- ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Using alcohol as a carrier producing polyanionic cellulose (PAC) polymer from solid textile waste

Karakuş, Hüseyin

Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on earth. It is naturally regenerated by forests and cotton plantations with a speed of 10 billion metric tons per year regularly. Not only its natural reproduction makes it ecologically beneficial but also its biological degradability makes cellulose an ‘eco-friendly material’. Applications of cellulose is limited due to its insolubility in water. Contrarily, its water-soluble derivatives, especially cellulose ethers, are found in nearly all the products we are using in our daily life. Although cellulose is the main raw material for producing ce ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of Manufacturing and Characterization of Radar Absorbing Hybrid Structures

Mohamed Yousef Ali Issa

Significant development of radar systems after World War II has led to studying the interaction between electromagnetic waves at radar frequencies and different materials. One perspective of these studies is to ascertain ways of decreasing reflected waves. However, the applications have not been limited only to defense applications but also to different fields where human beings are exposed to electromagnetic waves to avoid potential health effects due to exposure to electromagnetic waves. Since the discovery of radar systems, many studies have focused on electromagnetic radiation and absorbin ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Characterization of Clay brick materials produced with red mud and nut shell wastes for building applications

Çam, Ata Sadık

In this study, clay based brick with micro pores was developed for thermal insulation in the building materials. Turkey produces about 70% of the world hazelnut production. The aim of this thesis is to reduce the thermal conductivity coefficient by adding organic waste (hazelnut shell) into clay mixture to form porosity during firing of clay bricks. Moreover, it is to maintain the similar mechanical properties by adding inorganic waste (red mud) into clay mixture. The development of a highly porous bricks with applicable mechanical strength will contribute to save energy in the building ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Recycling of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Chip and Its Potential Uses in Polymer Composites

Erdoğan Teke

Artan dünya nüfusu beraberinde hammadde ihtiyacının artmasına sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, kullan-at kültürüne sahip doğrusal bir ekonomiden, atık plastiklerin verimli bir şekilde yeniden kullanıldığı döngüsel bir ekonomiye geçiş zorunludur. Döngüsel ekonomi kaynakların onarıcı kullanımı yoluyla israfı ortadan kaldırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu tezin amacı, Ti-6Al-4V atıklarının mekanik öğütme yöntemiyle toz haline dönüştürülmesi, geri dönüştürülmüş Ti-6Al-4V tozlarının takviye malzemesi olarak araştırılması, epoksi ve polyester kompozit özelliklerinin geliştirilmesine dayanmaktadır. Bu te ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Examining the Accuracy of DEM of Difference and 3D Point Cloud Comparison Methods: Open Pit Mine Case Study

Nilüfer ÖZDAŞ

With the widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), it has become possible to rapidly implement high-accuracy photogrammetric mapping studies over small areas using low-cost and basic systems. Through the comparison of images captured at various epochs of a specific area, 3D change detection between epochs can be easily carried out. The process involves extracting point clouds from images obtained via photogrammetric methods, followed by utilizing processing software to derive digital surface models from these point clouds. By taking the differences of these DSMs, 3D change detection ca ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Optimization of Drying Process of Plastic Granules Based on Stochastic Method with Neuro Regression Approach

Mustafa DİNÇ

Polymers contain moisture due to their chemical structure. Moisture in polymers is important for the quality of the final product and ease of processing. For this reason, polymers are subjected to drying before processes such as injection and extrusion. Drying is carried out at temperatures and times specified by the polymer suppliers. Over-drying leads to increased viscosity (processing difficulty) while under-drying leads to flow marks, burrs, and reduced tensile strength and impact strength. Over-drying also causes excessive energy consumption. In this study, the drying process optimization ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Beams for Different Failure Modes


Bu çalışma temel olarak, Beton Plastikleşme Hasar modelinin (ing. Concrete Damaged Plasticity CDP) ve Değiştirilmiş Basınç Alanları Teorisi (ing. Modified Compression Field Theory, MCFT) formülasyonlarının doğrusal olmayan sonlu elemanlar yöntemine uygulanmasının etkinliğini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Farklı boyutlar, kullanılan çelik lif miktarı, beton dayanımı ve çekme donatısı oranı gibi geniş ölçekli değişkenleri kapsayan iki kiriş grubu üzerinde incelemeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci grup kirişler literatürden alınmış, ikinci grup kirişler ise İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversites ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Automatic Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease with Transfer Learning and Image Processing Techniques

Atılay Yeşilada

Alzheimer's disease continues to be a serious public health issue. Alzheimer's disease affects generally old people, and it is a neurological disorder. The most significant sign of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss, which becomes worse over time. Therefore, early identification of Alzheimer's illness can aid in diseased getting the proper care. One of the aims of this thesis is to automate the early detection of Alzheimer's disease and create a self-improving system by utilising previous experiences each time it is detected automatically. In this way, the bad effects of the disease due to the ...Daha fazlası

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