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Growth of zno-ch nanostructures on ito/glass substrates through electrochemical anodization for biosensor applications Biyosensör uygulamaları için elektrokimyasal anotlama yöntemiyle İto/Cam yüzey üzerinde Zno-Kitosan nanoyapıların büyütülmesi

Uzunbayır, Berkant

ABSTRACTIn recent years, the utilization of nanotechnology rapidly developed for the wide range of sciences. Nanomaterials shows unique properties and ZnO nanostructures are the most suitable structures for biosensor applications due to their high surface area and high electrochemical activity. In this project first, we have coated zinc film on to Glass/ITO surface by electrochemical deposition method. Then we have transformed the obtained zinc film to nanostructured ZnO by electrochemical anodization method. At the end, we have tried to modify the ZnO nanostructured surface with chitosan for ...Daha fazlası

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Biomechanics of acetabular fractures with low energy trauma via finite element modeling and analysis Düşük enerji travmalı acetabular kırıklarının sonlu elemanlar modeli ve analizi


The skeletal system undertakes many tasks such as the movement of the body, mineral storage, and protection of soft tissues. Damage to this structure affects human life negatively. Fractures that occur in the human body is damage to mainly to the bone structure and associated surrounding tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how the fractures are formed and the fracture mechanism. Furthermore, the mechanism of fracture is complicated and worthy of investigation. However, the examination of the bone is difficult because it is a structure covered with tissues like veins and muscles. ...Daha fazlası

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Tattoo dye removal using cold athmospheric plasma (CAP) Soğuk atmosferik plazma (SAP) kullanarak dövme boyası silme


ABSTRACTTattoo has been used as a method of self-expression of mankind since ancient times. The tattoo removal process with primitive methods is based on the process of peeling the skin layer on which the tattoo is placed. Besides being used today, laser is preferred by more people. The tattoo removal with laser is based on disintegration into smaller pieces by breaking the target tattoo pigment by absorbing the transmitted beam. It is then transferred to the nearest lymph node or disintegrated by the macrophages by means of blood or lymph circulation. The most common difficulty with laser tat ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of the cooling system efficiency in aluminum low pressure die casting Alüminyum alçak basınçlı dökümde kullanılan soğutma sisteminin veriminin araştırılması

Yavuz, Hakan

ABSTRACTIn this thesis, the flow rate of air coolers used in low pressure casting method is examined. Low pressure die casting (LPDC) method is used for many types of products. Light alloy wheels, motor housings and pistons are examples of these products. Air-cooling is used to provide directional solidification to avoid casting defects on the casting part. In this study, the flow rate of air-cooling is calculated by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. After the numerical calculations were confirmed by experimental methods, the affect of the variables on the cooling system flow r ...Daha fazlası

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Preparation and characterization of carbon-based nanofluids Karbon bazlı nanoakışkanların hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu

Fidan-Aslan, Tuğçe

ABSTRACTNanofluids are produced by the addition of nano-sized particles to the base fluid in order to increase the thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluids. Preparation of stable nanofluids with high thermal conductivity is a very complex process and their usage in heat transfer applications are related to many important parameters from the stability of nanofluids to their viscosity. Optimization of these parameters is essential for the practical use of nanofluids. The objectives of this study are to successfully preparecarbon-based nanofluids while investigating the stability mechanisms a ...Daha fazlası

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Development of cast aluminum metal matrix composites by additional processes Döküm alüminyum metal matriks kompozitlerinin ilave proseslerle geliştirilmesi

Aybarç, Uğur

ABSTRACTIt is seen that materials used traditionally today are insufficient to meet market expectations. For this reason, the interest on composite material increases day by day. The role of composite materials has become important in sectors, such as especially in automotive and aerospace industries, where a final product weight is of importance.This thesis consists of four application parts. In the first part, a detailed literature review on aluminum metal matrix composites was discussed. In the second part, the appropriate stirring method was searched for the production of aluminum metal ma ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of annual energy production of coupled vertical-axis wind turbines in a semi-complex terrain Eşli çalışan düşey eksenli rüzgar türbinlerinin yarı karmaşık bir sahadaki yıllık enerji üretiminin değerlendirilmesi

Başer, Ferhat Cem Ferhat Cem

ABSTRACTRecent research shows that the vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) can provide up to 6 - 9 times more power generation in the same footprint area when they are sited in proper configurations in contrast to horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT). In order to site wind turbines in a field, it is necessary to do a wind resource assessment (WRA). This assessment provide important inputs for the placement, sizing and design detailing of the wind farm. In addition to the correct determination of the site, it is also critical to place the wind turbines in the most efficient way. When the necess ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of antibacterial photodynamic therapy on healthy fibroblast and keratinocyte cells Antibakteriyel fotodinamik terapinin sağlıklı fibroblast ve keratinosit hücreleri üzerindeki etkisi


ABSTRACTAntibacterial photodynamic therapy is a treatment that occurs in the presence of light, photosensitizer and oxygen. The photosensitizer reacts with the molecular oxygen in the environment when it is stimulated by light at the appropriate wavelength, causing reactive oxygen species at the end. Reactive oxygen species show high cytotoxic effects on cells and cause necrosis or apoptosis. In recent years, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics has caused infection treatments to become more difficult. This situation has become a threat to human and animal health. Therefore, antibacterial ...Daha fazlası

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Design and development of a multi degrees of freedom mobile platform to be utilized on rough terrain Engebeli arazi üzerinde kullanılmak üzere çok serbestlik dereceli bir mobil platform tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi

Paçalı, Ercan

ABSTRACTThanks to the technological advances that have been continuously improved throughout the last century, applications of robotics have increased in every aspect of our lives. Within all of these various applications, mobile robotics can be given as one of the most common and popular subfield. Utilization of mobile robots emerges in many environments such as, medical applications, military operations, simple household routines, and even space exploration. On the other hand, due to the requirements of different robot designs for individual applications, need for mobile robot designs, which ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Compact rectenna design for RF energy harvesting applications RF enerji hasatlama uygulamaları için kompakt doğrultuculu anten (rectenna) tasarımı

Göçen, Cem

ABSTRACTIn this study, a detailed literature study has been conducted about radio frequency energy harvesting systems, and two different RF energy harvesting system designs are presented operated two different bands. RF energy harvesting systems have been in our lives for more than fifty years. The number of studies carried out on these systems has increased, especially to meet the power requirements of low power consumption devices whose usage is growing with the developing technology in recent years. In the literature, RF energy harvesting systems have been generally designed to operate in t ...Daha fazlası

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