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Erişime Açık

Çandarlı Körfezi (Aliağa, Yenişakran kıyıları) kıyısal ekosisteminde dağılım gösteren prosobranchia (gastropoda, mollusca) türleri

Aksoy, Özlem

ÇANDARLI KÖRFEZĠ (ALĠAĞA, YENĠġAKRAN KIYILARI) KIYISAL EKOSĠSTEMĠNDE DAĞILIM GÖSTEREN PROSOBRANCHIA (GASTROPODA, MOLLUSCA) TÜRLERĠ ÖZET Bu çalıĢma Çandarlı Körfezi kıyısal ekosisteminde dağılım gösteren Prosobranchia (Gastropoda) türlerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleĢtirilmiĢtir. Bu amaçla, denizel örneklemeler Nisan 2013-ġubat 2014 tarihleri arasında, araĢtırma bölgesinde belirlenen 9 istasyondan ve 0,5-5m derinlikler arasındaki çeĢitli biyotoplardan mevsimsel olarak alınmıĢtır. AraĢtırma sonunda, 4 ordo ve 27 familyaya ait 54 gastropod türü ile bu türlere ait toplam 7994 birey tespit ed ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Boron doped titanium dioxide nanotube arrays: production, characterization and photocatalytic properties

Bilgin, Kübra

Photocatalytic degradation and complete mineralization of toxic organic compounds in water, soil, and air in the presence of semiconductor materials have received much attention over the last decades. Electronic structure of semiconductors is characterized by a filled valence band and an empty conduction band. When the semiconductor is irradiated with light of sufficient energy corresponding to or exceeding its band gap, an electron is promoted into the conduction band, leaving a hole in the valence band. The electrons and holes are good reductants and powerful oxidants, respectively, and they ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Madra Çayı (Balıkesir)’ında su çerçeve direktifi Yöntemleri kullanılarak epilitik diyatome kompozisyonunun araştırılması

Coşkunışık, Gülşah

MADRA ÇAYI (BALIKESİR)’INDA SU ÇERÇEVE DİREKTİFİ YÖNTEMLERİ KULLANILARAK EPİLİTİK DİYATOME KOMPOZİSYONUNUN ARAŞTIRILMASI ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Su Çerçeve Direktifi (SÇD) yöntemleri kullanılarak Madra Çayı’nın epilitik diyatome kompozisyonunun araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla 2015 ve 2016 yılları arasında, akarsudaki 7 istasyondan mevsimsel (Sonbahar, Kış, İlkbahar, Yaz) olarak epilitik diyatome ve su örnekleri alınmıştır. Madra Çayı’nda sırasıyla ortalama su sıcaklığı, pH, çözünmüş oksijen, oksijen doygunluğu, elektriksel iletkenlik, toplam çözünmüş madde, tuzluluk, amonyum azotu, nitrit az ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Improvement of engineering properties and liquefaction reduction of sandy soils using electric arc furnace slag and roof tile powder

Agolli, Drinela

The scarcity of suitable land for construction of engineering facilities and shortage of natural earth aggregates has highlighted the need for finding innovative way of construction. Nowadays problematic soils such as: soft clay, organic soils and liquefiable soils can be improved to the required civil engineering requirements by application of soil stabilization. Soil stabilization is a method intended to increase or preserve the stability of soil mass and chemical alteration of soil to improve engineering properties. Generally, ground treatment techniques used are: densification, reinforcem ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Control and simulation of swarm mobile robots

Şen, Hayrettin

This thesis presents both control of mobile robots that can move by using collective motion algorithm and simulation of the robots during the motion. The orientation of the robots was controlled remotely by one user during the collective motion. The transmission of orientation data from the remote controller to the robots was done by using XBee modules. The control algorithm of collective motion was developed by using individual-based model. Two modes are considered during the control. These modes are search and swarm mode. The collective motion was performed by robots that are moving with re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Group effect in axially loaded chemical anchors embedded in low strength concrete

Arslan, Tolga

The use of chemical anchors for the connection of existing structural elements with the new elements during strengthening of existing structures is quite a preferred method. Since in our country, chemical anchors are being widely used for repair and strengthening works, there should be a standard of design and application on this topic. Up to now, research done on the topic of chemical anchors, are mostly carried out on concrete blocks of compressive strength 20 MPa and higher. Since parameters such as distance from the edges, embedment depth and group effect were mostly ignored, the re ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Ergonomik risk analizi yöntemlerinin karşılaştırılması ve bir kalıp imalat firmasında uygulanması

Neşeli, Cansu

ÖZET Günümüzde ilerleyen teknolojilere rağmen insan gücüyle yürütülen işler bakımından çalışanlardaki kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıkları gittikçe artmaktadır. Bu da çalışanların işlerinde verimsiz olmasına yol açtığı için işletmelerin maddi kayıplar yaşamasını ve işlerini yetiştirememesini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Olası rahatsızlıkların ortaya çıkmadan önlemlerinin alınması için, işlerin ergonomik risk analizinin yapılması, insan üzerinde fiziksel zorlamaya neden olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve bu faktörlerin ortadan kaldırılması için gerekli düzeltici önlemlerin alınması gerekmektedi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Demirköprü baraj gölünün bazı fizikokimyasal parametrelerinin incelenmesi

Erdoğuş, Mirati

Bu Çalışma, Haziran 2015 - Mayıs 2016 tarihleri arasında Manisa ili Köprübaşı İlçesinde yer alan Demirköprü Baraj Gölü’nde belirlenen 3 farklı istasyonda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her bir istasyondan alınan yüzey ve dip suyu örneklerinde derinlik (m), sıcaklık (°C), çözünmüş oksijen (ÇO), pH, tuzluluk (‰), toplam çözünmüş katı madde (TDS), elektriksel iletkenlik (EC), secchi diski derinliği (SD), askıda katı madde (AKM), partikül organik madde (POM), partikül inorganik madde (PİM), amonyum azotu (NH4+-N), nitrit azotu (NO2--N), nitrat azotu (NO3--N), fosfat fosforu (PO4-3-P), silis (SiO2) v ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of concrete barriers with recycled rubber, steel slag and roof tile

Kurar, Ali

The purpose of aggregating rubber is to increase concrete’s flexibility, elasticity, and capacity to absorb energy. In some application of concrete, it is desired that concrete should have low unit weight, high toughness and impact resistance. Although concrete is the most commonly used construction material, it does not always fulfill these requirements. In order to improve elastic properties of concrete and recycle the waste materials, new applications have been realized recently. One of these applications is the utilization of discarded tires in order to use together with aggregate. ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Expert system design by using artificial intelligence techniques for the diagnosis of liver disorders

Mülayim, Naciye

Nowadays, Expert System (ES)s are used widely in many areas to solve real world problems. Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are used to obtain timely and accurately decision about solution of daily problems in ESs designing because AI can mimic behaviours and thought system of people. Especially in medical area, there are many researches and applications using ESs based on various AI techniques to obtain diagnosis for any diseases. The liver is a vital internal organ for a human body and it has many functions, which are associated with the other organs. Although the liver can renew itse ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Fuzzy logic modelling of sediment transport in annulus

Müftüoğlu, Tevfik Denizhan

The understanding of sediment transport with fluid in pipes is one of the important issues in hydraulics engineering. If the fluid velocity is lower than a critical value, a stationary cuttings bed develops, which may cause excessive head loss. In this study, a Fuzzy Logic (FL) model is developed to estimate stationary cuttings bed thickness inside the annulus. Experimental data is collected from literature in order to train proposed models. Results showed that the cuttings bed thickness could be estimated using the developed model with a reasonable accuracy when compared with the experimental ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields for in vitro wound healing exposure systems

Gümüşay, Mehmet

THE EFFECT OF PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS FOR IN VITRO WOUND HEALING EXPOSURE SYSTEMS SUMMARY Electromagnetic fields have achieved important role as stimulator and therapeutic facility in biology and medicine (Blank & Findl, 2013). The effects of low magnitude, low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields have been a period of study since past few decades, which was mainly on the treating soft tissue injuries, skin ulcers, nonuniform bone fractures and degenerative nerve healing (Hug & Röösli, 2012b). Chronic wounds are a major healthcare problem for patient morbidity and contribute signi ...Daha fazlası

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