Within the scope of this thesis, PLA-based composites have been developed and coated with peptide to increase biocompatibility for temporary implant applications and PLA biocomposite materials have been produced. HA and β-TCP were used as additive materials, and PLLA and PDLA polymers were used as polymer matrix. The main purpose is to obtain the composite with the best mechanical properties and to improve the biocompatibility properties as a result of coating this final material with peptide. In the first stage, 10% HA (PLA-10 HA), 10% β-TCP (PLA-10TCP) and 5% HA + 5% β-TCP (PLA-5TCP-5HA) are ...Daha fazlası
As same as in other industries, the automotive industry is one of the industries that expects continuous improvements. In this context, it is very important to integrate new technologies into the industry and to use new, alternative materials for industrial products. With the increase of these studies, cost and weight reduction are improved while serious advantages are obtained by maintaining the product's performance. The suitability of production with additive manufacturing of the fulcrum ring, which is a sub-component of the clutch cover assembly in the dry friction clutch system, acts as a ...Daha fazlası
Significant development of radar systems after World War II has led to studying the interaction between electromagnetic waves at radar frequencies and different materials. One perspective of these studies is to ascertain ways of decreasing reflected waves. However, the applications have not been limited only to defense applications but also to different fields where human beings are exposed to electromagnetic waves to avoid potential health effects due to exposure to electromagnetic waves. Since the discovery of radar systems, many studies have focused on electromagnetic radiation and absorbin ...Daha fazlası
Türkiye’de yerel madenler kullanılarak biyokompozit hammaddelerin üretilmesinin ön hazırlık araştırılması, yerel bilimsel imkanlar kullanılarak teknik özelliklerinin ve farklı sektörler için mekanik ürünleştirme kapasitesinin belirlenmesi tez kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada kullandığımız Polilaktik Asitin camsı geçiş sıcaklığı (Tg) 65 ºC olup gevrek bir polimerdir. Perlit, silikat içerikli volkanik bir kaya olup, hızlıca ısıtıldığı zaman cevher formundaki hacminin 20 katına kadar genleşebildiği görülmektedir. Bu doktora tez çalışmasında, Polilaktik Asit ve farklı türde perli ...Daha fazlası
6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında yükümlülüklerimiz ve çerez politikamız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için alttaki bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz.