ABSTRACTPC12 cell line is widely used as an in vitro model for neuronal diseases and studying cell differentiation behavior. The cell line has the ability to differentiate into neuronlike cells in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF), resulting in neural extensions called dendrites and axons. Cell patterning is widely used in applications such as neuron network formation, tissue engineering, and cell based biosensors. In this study, the effect of randomly distributed and aligned multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) on PC12 cell neuronal d ...Daha fazlası
ABSTRACTNervous system diseases occupy a very large place among diseases without treatment today. One of the major challenges in nervous system diseases is achieving functional connection between nerve cells. A neuronal network is a very complex structure consisting of connections between neuronal cells through dendrites and axons. In this context, a human brain can be described as a complex neuron network. Platforms capable of creating a neuronal network have the potential to be used in a variety offields, such as modeling neuron-related diseases, finding new treatments, building biological c ...Daha fazlası
Submitted to the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Millions of people worldwide suffer from diabetes and diseases caused by diabetes. As a result of the statistical studies carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people suffering from diabetes was 108 million in 1980, then it was increased to 422 million in 2014. Diabetes is increasing rapidly, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries and it was predicted that 1.5 million people died because of it only in 2019 (WHO, 2021).
Kolorimetrik analiz, biyomoleküllerin saptanmasında kullanılan ve çıplak gözle
gözlemlenen maddenin varlığını ve konsantrasyonunu belirlemek için renk
değişimlerini kullanılarak ölçülmesini sağlayan bir tekniktir. Sağlık, gıda, ilaç,
kozmetik ve boya endüstrileri gibi birçok farklı alanda biyolojik, tıbbi ve çevresel
numunelerin analizinde kolorimetrik analiz kullanılmaktadır. Bakım-noktası (POC)
testleri kullanım kolaylığı ve ulaşılabilirliği nedeniyle bir çok alanda kullanılmaktadır.
POC testlerinin kolorimetrik analiz ile entegrasyonu kullanım kolaylığını
arttırmaktadır. Kolorimetrik ...Daha fazlası
6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu kapsamında yükümlülüklerimiz ve çerez politikamız hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak için alttaki bağlantıyı kullanabilirsiniz.