In today’s highly competitive business environment, employees are expected to display positive attitudes and emotions as it affects the service quality and volume of business of a company. In hospitality industry, where customer employee encounter is occured intensely, comprehension of emotional labor is significant as it is directly related with employees’ well being and performance. Emotional labor is defined as employee’s ability to conform their outward behavior to display the appropriate emotions for a wage and the job nature of tour leaders demand a high degree of emotional labor. Tour g ...Daha fazlası
Poliüretan çeşitli polioller ve diizosiyanatların reaksiyonu ile mekanik, termal, kimyasal özellikleri kontrol edilebilen önemli polimerlerdendir. Yalıtım köpükleri, mobilya uygulamaları, otomotiv, kaplama ve biyomedikal gibi geniş uygulama alanına sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada ticari ve biyo-kökenli poliüretan köpükler üretilip özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ticari (polieter) poliol, ham gliserol, metanolü uzaklaştırılmış ham gliserol ve saf gliserol poliol olarak kullanılmıştır. Tüm polioller polimerik difenilmetan diizosiyanat (PMDI) ile reaksiyona sokularak yalıtım köpükleri üretilmiştir. Ham glis ...Daha fazlası
Ethylene has a significant role in plants development and maturing and isproduced as gas hormone by plants themselves. In 1 μL L-1 concentrations, it has beneficial effects for fresh vegetables and fruits (FFV) but when this gas is accumulated around the FFV it causes aging and deterioration. During the storage, transport and marketing it affects the quality and freshness of FFV. There are technologic solutions for eliminating the ethylene gas accumulating in storage atmosphere probl ...Daha fazlası
The increase of leisure time and economic welfare level led people to travel and thus participate in tourism activities worldwide. As a result of the increase of the international tourism activities in recent years, the amount of tourism receipts that countries acquire increased significantly and tourism destinations found themselves in a harsh competitive atmosphere. In tourism industry in which customers’ wishes, needs and expectations change every day, countries in macro-level and tourism enterprises in micro-level, which want to obtain share from international tourism pie and maintain thei ...Daha fazlası
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