ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
ENSTİTÜLERİzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Kurum Koleksiyonu
Erişime Açık

Biomechanics of acetabular fractures with low energy trauma via finite element modeling and analysis Düşük enerji travmalı acetabular kırıklarının sonlu elemanlar modeli ve analizi


The skeletal system undertakes many tasks such as the movement of the body, mineral storage, and protection of soft tissues. Damage to this structure affects human life negatively. Fractures that occur in the human body is damage to mainly to the bone structure and associated surrounding tissues. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how the fractures are formed and the fracture mechanism. Furthermore, the mechanism of fracture is complicated and worthy of investigation. However, the examination of the bone is difficult because it is a structure covered with tissues like veins and muscles. ...Daha fazlası

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Tattoo dye removal using cold athmospheric plasma (CAP) Soğuk atmosferik plazma (SAP) kullanarak dövme boyası silme


ABSTRACTTattoo has been used as a method of self-expression of mankind since ancient times. The tattoo removal process with primitive methods is based on the process of peeling the skin layer on which the tattoo is placed. Besides being used today, laser is preferred by more people. The tattoo removal with laser is based on disintegration into smaller pieces by breaking the target tattoo pigment by absorbing the transmitted beam. It is then transferred to the nearest lymph node or disintegrated by the macrophages by means of blood or lymph circulation. The most common difficulty with laser tat ...Daha fazlası

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Derin kazılarda kullanılan farklı mühendislik özelliklerindeki dayanma yapılarının modellenmesi ve maliyet analizleri

Mehmet Turan Küçükbayrak

ÖZETGünümüzde, giderek gelişen şehirleşme ve azalan inşaat alanlarının bir neticesi olarak derin kazılara sıklıkla başvurulmaktadır. Birçok alanda olduğı gibi geoteknik mühendisliği alanında da teknoloji ve uygulama yöntemleri her geçen gün gelişmektedir. Yapılan araştırmalar sonucu günümüzde en çok tercih edilen derin kazı destekleme yapılarının diyafram duvar, fore kazık ve çelik palplanş perdeler olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasında, artık çağımızın kaçınılmaz gereği olan derin kazılar ele alınmış ve derin kazı destekleme elemanlarının tasarım kriterleri irdelenmiştir.SUMMARYNowadays, ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of antibacterial photodynamic therapy on healthy fibroblast and keratinocyte cells Antibakteriyel fotodinamik terapinin sağlıklı fibroblast ve keratinosit hücreleri üzerindeki etkisi


ABSTRACTAntibacterial photodynamic therapy is a treatment that occurs in the presence of light, photosensitizer and oxygen. The photosensitizer reacts with the molecular oxygen in the environment when it is stimulated by light at the appropriate wavelength, causing reactive oxygen species at the end. Reactive oxygen species show high cytotoxic effects on cells and cause necrosis or apoptosis. In recent years, the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics has caused infection treatments to become more difficult. This situation has become a threat to human and animal health. Therefore, antibacterial ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Urban regeneration projects in squatter settlements, the case of Izmir, Bayraklı urban regeneration project Gecekondu alanlarında kentsel dönüşüm projeleri, İzmir örneği, Bayraklı kentsel dönüşüm projesi


ABSTRACTUrban regeneration projects studied extensively in the world and Europe is a new subject in Turkey. When we look at the examples in the world, their main focus has always been human-oriented. These types of projects should take into account the city's authentic memory and texture, depending primarily on the physical, social, cultural and economic structure. The theme of the project should be determined considering local, social, cultural and physical principles. Ecological values should be decisive in the project's outset, course and outcome. Regeneration projects can actually be consi ...Daha fazlası

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