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Erişime Açık

Fuzzy logic modelling of sediment transport in annulus

Müftüoğlu, Tevfik Denizhan

The understanding of sediment transport with fluid in pipes is one of the important issues in hydraulics engineering. If the fluid velocity is lower than a critical value, a stationary cuttings bed develops, which may cause excessive head loss. In this study, a Fuzzy Logic (FL) model is developed to estimate stationary cuttings bed thickness inside the annulus. Experimental data is collected from literature in order to train proposed models. Results showed that the cuttings bed thickness could be estimated using the developed model with a reasonable accuracy when compared with the experimental ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Simulation and design of a glider swarm robotics platform

Gül, Kasım

The main purpose of my thesis is to develop a Swarm Robotics Platform which will use Cellular Automata Glider model and generate itself with “Game of Life” rules. The method was experimentally tested with autonomous mobile robots and real-time PC based simulation software, in all cases very good paths were obtained with negligible processing effort, and low cost production. Presented results indicate that the Cellular Automata approach is a very promising method for real time path planning and Glider like robotic swarms can be used for self-replicating and moving swarm robots. We desig ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Investigation of Use of Lead Oxide Extracted from Recycled Batteries in Radar Absorbing Stealth Technology

Gürkan Ergün

Radar, uçakların tespiti ve takibi için en yaygın tekniktir. Radar, havacılık trafik yönetiminde vazgeçilmez bir araç olmasına rağmen, uçağın hedefini saldırıp fark edilmeden kaçmasını gerektiren saldırgan askeri operasyonlarda sorun oluşturur. Radar, elektromanyetik dalgaların atmosfere yayılmasını içerir; daha sonra uçaktan yansıyarak bir alıcı antene geri döner. Radar Emici Malzemeler (RAM), uçağın elektromanyetik dalga enerjisini emerek yansıyan sinyalin yoğunluğunu en aza indirmesi prensibiyle çalışır. Gizlilik ve görünmezlik gibi son derece önemli olan gizlilik teknolojisini sağlayan rad ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Aerodynamic design of a novel low pressure compression system for variable-speed micro turbofan Değişken hızlı micro turbofan için yenilikçi düşük basınçlı kompresör sisteminin aerodinamik tasarımı

İlhan, Menal

Özet:İnsansız Hava Araçları (İHA) genellikle pervane tahrikli ve düşük hızlı uygulamalara yöneliktir. Mikro turbojet motorları ise çok daha yüksek yakıt tüketimine bağlı olarak daha kısa menzillere sahiptir. Fiyat ve karmaşıklık sorunları nedeniyle, turbofanlar yerine turbojetlerin kullanımı kısıtlanmaktadır. Bununla başa çıkabilmek için, temel bir mikro turbojet, ek (booster) kompresörü ve düşük basınçlı türbin bileşenleri olmadan tek milli turbofana dönüştürülebilir. Bu normalde eşleştirme sorunlarına neden olur çünkü fan hızını bağımsız olarak ayarlamak için iki mil gerekir. Daha basit bir ...Daha fazlası

Süreli Ambargo

Estimation of Accommodative Forces in Aging Human Eye


Changes in mechanical properties of the human crystalline lens over the years result in loss of accommodation amplitude and eventually in presbyopia, a condition in which the focus-shifting ability of the eye diminishes. Some material property changes of aging human crystalline lenses have already been mapped over human life. Young’s modulus, anterior and posterior lens curvatures, lens thickness, and refractive index are examples of these well-studied properties. However, knowledge of forces applied to the crystalline lens for generating corresponding focus shifts has been limited to a few ag ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Design and Development of a Compound Mobile Serial Robot with Remote Control Application

Alpay Toprak

The design of a compound mobile serial robot controlled remotely by a C# program utilizing the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol is the main topic of this thesis. The robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi. The advantages of mobility and serial manipulators are combined in the compound mobile serial robot, allowing it to carry out difficult tasks in a variety of settings. As the main computer, the Raspberry Pi gives the robot and its control application connectivity and processing capability. Data interchange and command execution are made possible by the integration of the MQTT ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Making the Pixels Visible

Işıl Işık Mutlu

Websites are one of the most important components of the internet. We use web browsers every day to browse websites using the internet for searching for information, buying goods, reading news, following online lectures, interacting on social media, etc. When a website is opened, it contains many components that are too complex for an ordinary user to be aware of. By using third-party tracking cookies or pixels added for advertising or analytical purposes, ad networks can track the user on the web. As browser extensions that use filter lists became more successful at blocking cookies, follower ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Estimation of annual energy production of coupled vertical-axis wind turbines in a semi-complex terrain Eşli çalışan düşey eksenli rüzgar türbinlerinin yarı karmaşık bir sahadaki yıllık enerji üretiminin değerlendirilmesi

Başer, Ferhat Cem Ferhat Cem

ABSTRACTRecent research shows that the vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) can provide up to 6 - 9 times more power generation in the same footprint area when they are sited in proper configurations in contrast to horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT). In order to site wind turbines in a field, it is necessary to do a wind resource assessment (WRA). This assessment provide important inputs for the placement, sizing and design detailing of the wind farm. In addition to the correct determination of the site, it is also critical to place the wind turbines in the most efficient way. When the necess ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields for in vitro wound healing exposure systems

Gümüşay, Mehmet

THE EFFECT OF PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS FOR IN VITRO WOUND HEALING EXPOSURE SYSTEMS SUMMARY Electromagnetic fields have achieved important role as stimulator and therapeutic facility in biology and medicine (Blank & Findl, 2013). The effects of low magnitude, low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields have been a period of study since past few decades, which was mainly on the treating soft tissue injuries, skin ulcers, nonuniform bone fractures and degenerative nerve healing (Hug & Röösli, 2012b). Chronic wounds are a major healthcare problem for patient morbidity and contribute signi ...Daha fazlası

Erişime Açık

Olive leaf powder and boron reinforced polypropylene composites Zeytin yaprağı tozu ve bor katkılı polipropilen kompozitleri

Kara, Hilal

SUMMARYPlastics have a wide application area in our daily life because of the properties such as being inexpensive, lightweight and easy to take shape. Plastics can lead to some problems such as endangering human health and reducing the life of the material, because the plastic surfaces are so available for microorganisms to form a biofim by holding onto the surface easily. Researches for antibacterial materials containing various natural and inorganic substances has been increased and become more important because of that people are often infected by microorganisms such as bacteria, molds, ye ...Daha fazlası

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